4: School "tour"

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I could see Jimin's smirk directed towards me. My cheeks began to heat up. I mentally slapped myself.

No Y/N!

"Alright, thank you Jimin. Now, pick a seat anywhere."
My eyes followed his figure and I could see he picked the seat.. NEXT TO ME.

Oh great, ugh.

I could see he turned to look at me, but I ignored it and listened to the teacher. In a flash, the class ended.

I was about to go to my next class but then I was called by the teacher.
"Y/N! Please come here!"


I turned to Ara and told her to go on without me.

I approached my teacher.

"Yes Mrs. Kim?"
"Y/N, dear, could you please show Jimin around the school? I've already excused you for your 2nd period so you may go ahead and take the whole 2nd period to show him around the school."
"Sure, Mrs. Kim."
"Alright, thank you Y/N! I knew I could trust you."
"Haha.. yeah."
"Alright. Well, Jimin run along with Y/N."

I jerked my head towards the classroom door and irked my hand towards me signaling for him to follow me; together we walked out of the class.
"So Y/N where we heading first?"
"Oh, we're gonna look at the cafeteria first."
"Dammit," Jimin muttered under his breath but Y/N couldn't hear.

We walked silently as we approached the cafeteria.

I happily opened the doors to the cafeteria and introduced Jimin to the unknown area.
"So, Jimin this is the cafeteria you can come here for breakfast in the morning or just to hang out; you also come here for lunch, obviously," I stated while giving a big smile.
"Alright. Can I see you schedule?"
"Oh, sure."

Jimin hands me his schedule and my eyes widen.
"Y-you have the exact same schedule as me."
"You have the same schedule as me," I took a deep breath and continued my sentence, "well might as well be friends now than later."

I held out my hand for him to shake it. Which he did.
"Well Jimin, you might as well follow me everywhere today. Then you can break off."
"No, just give me a tour of the classes then we can split."
I could feel his hot gaze on me while we were walking through the corridors leading to his next classes.

What is up with this dude? First, he smirks at me, then he acts coldly towards. What in the heck?

We spent some time going through his classes and where each was. Lastly, we had the gym to visit.

We walked silently. I lead him through the winding corridors leading to the gym.

As we were approaching the gym, I decided to have a conversation with him.
"So Jimin, where do you come from?"
He didn't respond for a good minute and seemed to be deep in thought.
"Busan. I come from Busan."
"Oh, cool. I've always wanted to go to Busan."
"Haha well it's cozy to me since it's my

We reached the gym and it was dark; lights flickered here and there creating a tense atmosphere.
"Well, this is the gym. Here you'll do different sport activities like dodgeball, rope climbing, rock wall climbing, tennis, and etc. Any questions?"
"No questions."
"Alright cool. Now, let me show you the equipment room."

We walked to the equipment room.

"Jimin this is the equipment room where you'll put all the gym equipment back after you'e done using them. Questions?"
"Alright to the boys locker room."
We proceeded to pace to the boys locker room. Our footsteps echoing through the vast hollow room.

Once arrived I opened the door unmasking a stench unbearable to my nose.
"Well, this is the- boys locker room and as you can smell, it stinks," I simply stated while pinching my nose resulting in my voice sounding like a chipmunk.

I took a glance at Jimin; his head was down, looking at the floor. I walked up to him, worry evident on my face.


It's then he took a glance up towards my direction.

His eyes. They're red...

I tried to move back but was suddenly interrupted by his arm pulling me towards him, pinning me against the wall. I was too shocked to move.

"Your scent.. ahhh."
He nuzzled his nose into my neck breathing in heavily as if he were savoring something.

I tried to push him away but he just pushed me up against the wall with more force causing me to wince in pain.

His strength. It's abnormally strong.

"Y/N.." He licked my neck leading down to my collarbone. I shivered in response.

His eyes were red and I could see his veins popping out of his arms.
"You're driving me crazy with your scent," He said as he looked at me with desire in his eyes.

"Jimin.. your eyes they're r-red."
"You made them red, Y/N."
He suddenly licked my cheek causing me to shriek a little.

As if my shriek were what brought him back to reality, he got off me.
"I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to do that.. are you- hurt?"

He looked into my eyes with anxiousness evident in his eyes. I could see his chocolate-colored orbs were back. As a response, I quickly shook my head as a no, too surprised to even move or speak.

Jimin got off me and was striding towards the exit. When he was close to the exit, he said one last thing to me,

"I would be careful if I were you, Y/N. Keep your distance from me."

He took a glance at me, his eyes flickering red.

Blood red.

Just like that, he left the boys locker room shutting the door behind him, leaving my legs shaking and confusion entering my body.

I fell to my knees, my body weak.

OOO DANG WOW. ALREADY? DANGG. I still can't believe Y/N is still this ignorant! LIKE HELLLOOOOO UMMM JIMIN IS VAMPIRE.. Also, there will be a secret revealed very soon about Y/N that nobody knows about her. Hehehe. Stay tuned.

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