22: Wake up

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I felt a sting of pain lingering on my neck. It wasn't like the pain I felt before, but it still hurt. I felt weak and slouchy.

It was abnormal.

Regarding the pain, I opened my eyes slowly from my slumber, and I could smell the faint aroma of cooking eggs.

With curiosity, I sat up slowly only to feel the soreness on my neck increase.

"Ahh. It hurts."

I placed my hand on the soreness and felt a little lump. The small lump hurt when I touched it, causing me to wince at the pain.

Slowly, the memories of Jimin entered my mind. The fangs, the eyes, the pain, they all sent shivers down my spine.

I can't believe I let him do that..

I could feel so many emotions at that moment. I felt angry at myself for letting him take control of me so easily, but I also felt somewhat happy.

I shook my head.

Y/N, what are you thinking!?

I glanced over to the other side of the bed in search of Jimin. It was vacant. The bowl of oatmeal sat vulnerably on the bed side table as well as the water-drenched towel.

Hmm..he must be somewhere in the house.

Sluggishly, I got up from the bed, my feet touching the bare floor.

I inhaled a breath and slowly breathed out, calming my nerves. From this, I slowly felt strength surge through my body again.

I decided to open the window next to my bed in order to get some fresh air.

I unlocked the window and lifted it up swiftly. Immediately, the refreshing breeze hit me in the face and entered my room.

"Ahh.. this is nice."

I could feel my body relax as the breeze circled around me. I took a long, deep breath of the cool air and then exhaled in comfort.

Satisfied with my now relaxed state, I closed the window and locked it, the window making a squeaking noise as it slid down.

I then turn around and head off into my bathroom.

I want to at least look decently nice rather than looking like a mess who just woke up.

I close the bathroom door shut behind me as I entered and grabbed my hair brush.

I brushed through each strand gently and slipped my hair into a low ponytail. I pulled out some strands of baby hair so they could surround my face. They added a messy yet cute touch to my appearance.

I then walked out of the bathroom, happy with my new hairdo.

I approached my disheveled bed and fixed the sheets. I pulled the sheets over the pure white pillows and flattened them out across the bed.

I strolled over to my bedside table and grabbed the cold bowl of oatmeal and the wet towel. I then went over to my bedroom door and opened it, heading downstairs.

The aroma of multiple scents filled my nose as I stepped into the hallway. I could smell eggs, syrup, pancakes, sausages, and even more mouth-watering things.

Who could be making this?

I could feel my legs fasten because of my curiosity.

In a flash, I reached the bottom of the stairs and headed towards the kitchen, taking brisk steps.

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