30 + 31: A turn of events

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(These two chapters are fast forwarded by 2 days so basically it's been 2 days since the last chap)

Quick A/N: (Very long chap. 4000+ words so gl and ily! I hope my writing isn't boring! :c And I didn't proof read this so please ignore the mistakes I made throughout <3)

Everything seemed to spiral downward. The unexpected coil only sent thoughts to rush down the cliffs of your mind.

It wasn't just because of the abrupt meeting with Jimin's friends. I mean, they were absolute angels. It was more about everything in general.

Your school, your family, your hidden secrets, the relationships you've built over the past months. It was like you were suddenly having a existential crisis right in the middle of the worst time possible.

Your mind just decided to say, "Hey I know that you've just met a vampire and all that, but let's make you question your entire existence. I mean that possibly couldn't make things even worse right?"

Wrong. It made things worse.

You haven't been to school in a solid two days. The impact of everything has just been harsh on your shoulders.

You feel like you'd cry if you walked into that building right now. The thought of school made your stomach churn violently which made your face contort into an expression of agitation.

Of course, Ara has been blowing up your phone with her notifications of worry, but you didn't pay any mind to them. You feel like isolation is key in situations like these.

And the possibility of seeing Jimin at school only sent the hairs on your neck to rise and stand on end.

It was like your body was warning you about that man. Warning you about the man that caused you no harm.

Whenever you thought about him, thoughts suddenly swirled into your mind and slammed their signs of warning into your beliefs.

It was confusing. How could Jimin be a threat? For all you know, his smile could probably brighten a dim room, and his heartfelt actions could send happiness into the hearts of even the coldest.

Nothing seemed to add up. It was like trying to put a puzzle together when it had 1000 pieces. Nearly impossible.

You don't know what caused you to start thinking so negatively about Jimin, but you didn't want to find out.

Especially when your gut was screaming "stay away."

|Jimin POV|

He skipped school.

He didn't care about school if you weren't there. No one was controlling him, so he didn't have to go to school. He was just there for you.

He found himself near a park after he exited a school building. He was shuffling along the pavement as birds chirped and called.

The wind blew through his hair, creating a mane of black. His leisure walk seemed to say that the man was confident yet charismatic.

His hands dug into his pocket as he continued his stroll until he finally came upon the place he desired.

His head darted to the right and left, scanning the surrounding scenery for any skeptical beings that could pose as a potential threat.

He exasperated a sigh of relief as he concluded that it was safe. Quickly, taking a last glance to the right and left, he let the dense forest before him swallow his figure whole.

|Jungho POV|

"Sir they were there," a voice booms from the depths of darkness, it's tone calm yet cold.

(DISCONTINUED) Assassins BiteWhere stories live. Discover now