17: Rush

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"Jimin Jimin!" I yelled, shaking his body, "I'll save you! Just wait for me.. please."

It's then I could see my hands start to fade, like they were disintegrating.

I didn't care.

All I cared about was aiding the man dying in my arms, clinging to life.

Slowly, my hands began to cease to exist while Jimin was still on the ground, breathing heavily.

"JIMIN!" I yelled.

I could feel the desperation in his breathing like he was asking for help, but that's when he disappeared.

I felt my body jolt up. I felt life invade my nerves like a waterfall rushing down a cliff. My eyes bulged open and I could hear cries fulfill my ears.


I looked to my left and saw Mina crying into her palms, her shoulders shook with every cry.


I could see her head move to look at me, her eyes rimmed with a red tinge from her crying.


She threw her arms around me, engulfing me in her arms. She cried even harder.

"I-I was scared I l-lost you."

I didn't know what to do.

Awkwardly, I pat her back with my hand and pat her head with my other hand, smiling gently.

"I'm here now," I said in the most soothing tone possible.

We stayed like that for awhile until Mina's cries slowed and now she was just hugging me tightly.

I kept smiling, knowing that she was just a stranger, yet she cared about me so much that she was brought to tears.

But it's then Jimin flashed through my mind like a hurricane. My eyes widened at the thought and my patting stopped.

"J-Jimin is still out there," I whispered to myself, my voice shaky.
"Hmmm..?" Mina hummed into my shoulder.
I grabbed Mina by her shoulders and held her in front of me.

I could see confusion in her eyes. Immediately, I stood up and said, "Follow me, Mina. You're coming with me."

She stood up slowly while nodding her head. I nodded back and hastily turned on my heels and took off in a sprint.

"H-Hey, Y/N!"

I didn't turn back.

Instead I said, "Hurry!" and motioned my hand towards me.

I could hear her rapid footsteps behind me.

I didn't care if we were loud. For all I know, there could be a dozen males behind us, and I wouldn't give a damn. I only thought of one thing, and one thing in mind.

Jimin, I'm coming.

I was weaving and turning through hallways like nothing. For some reason, I knew exactly where I was going. I didn't even stop to contemplate where I should go or what turn to take at a crossroad of hallways.

I could hear my feet hit harshly against the red carpet. My chest heaved up and down heavily as I took in gasps of air.

After dozens of hallways, I could see the entrance to the main room where people were chatting along, oblivious to my situation.

Seeing the main room, I felt the strength to dart forward across the hallway faster towards the main room.

"Come on, Mina, we're almost there!"

I felt relief gush my emotions.

Good, she's still behind me.

Ignoring the curious glances towards us, I sprinted across the marbled floor and headed towards the two big double doors, waiting for our exit.

My breath became irregular and heavy by this point; Sweat was gliding down my body with ease while my legs begged with mercy as they were numbed with pain and exhaustion.

No, I have to keep going.

I ran through the double doors holding it long enough for Mina to follow. She was breathing heavily and her eyes were sinking with tiredness.

"C-Come on, Mina. Just a l-little bit more," I panted.

She just nodded. I pat her back as comfort and then propelled forward across the pathway that was lined with street lights. Once at the end of the pathway, I took an immediate left and went towards an abundance of towering buildings.

It was weird. Even outside, I knew where to go. Knowing me, I knew I was good at directions, but only in an area I was familiar with. Currently, I was in an area where I've never been before, so normally I wouldn't know where to go, but I felt like I knew this area like it was on the back of my hand. Shrugging it off, I kept moving forward.

Jimin. Jimin. Jimin.

It's then we pass a building familiar to my knowledge.


I back up. Mina almost falling on her butt by my sudden movement.


I turn around and apologize to her.

After that, I listen closely. I could hear panting and harsh breathing.


Immediately, I run into the alley way we were standing in front of with Mina behind me.

"H-He's here," I pant.

I then see a pool of blood on the ground accompanied with a figure lying atop of it.

"Jimin!" I screech as I find him.

I run faster until I'm stepping in the pool of blood. I didnt even acknowledge the blood. I kneeled and cradled him in my arms. He was pale and his breath was ragged, and he was now drenched in blood from the last time I saw him. His eyes were slightly open.


I almost teared up at his gentle calling.

"Jimin, I'm here, I'm here. Please..stay awake."
I took his cheek in my hand, gently rubbing it with my thumb.
"I'll get you to safety," I said with determination.

I looked behind me to see Mina's mouth open and looking like she was about to vomit from the sight of blood. Her eyes were still confused.

To her it probably seemed like we were helping a stranger on the brink of death, but to me, it was more.

-End of Chapter Seventeen-

WOWWWWW THE FEELS THO. 😂 But guess what? When I was playing vball I set and my thumb got bent back so now it hurts a lot. I mean, I can still move it but it hurts when I move it to different positions.. so yeah.. anyway there may or may not be another chapter upload today? Idk but we'll see. I know there will definitely be a double chapter upload on Sunday.. so... yah.. anyways I hope you're enjoying this ff so far! 💞🤗

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