23: Warnings

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His smile glimmered in the beaming sun which made him look 100x hotter than he already was.

He strided towards the table and sat the two plates down across from each other, and then moved a chair back from one side of the table. Jimin then stood in front of me.

"Madam," he smiled while saying and held out his hand for me to take.

I laughed a bit and replied, "Monsieur."

I took his hand and he lead me to sit in the chair he moved back.

Once I was seated, he pushed in my chair towards the table to where the plate of food was in front of me.

He then sat down in his seat which was across the table from me.

And we both began to dig into our freshly cooked meals.

The clattering of forks and spoons rung throughout the room and the scraping of metal against glass also added to the sound.

But it's then Jimin said something,
interrupting our meal, "So.. Y/N.. about me being a vampire and all.."
"Hmmm?" I hummed while looking up towards him with curious eyes.

His gaze met my stare and looked dead-straight into my soul. He then spoke, his tone serious and threatening.

"You can't tell anyone. Not a single soul."

I swear I saw a glint of red in his eyes when he said this.

I felt a little fearful but I ignored it and replied,
"W-What do you mean?"
"Exactly what I said."

I didn't reply back.

I didn't want too, so I took my time wondering about the possibilities.

What would happen if I did tell? Is there a jail? Would you turn into a vampire?.. Would you die..?

The possibilities of all the dangerous outcomes seemed endless. Furthermore, I didn't even know what a vampire was capable of.

Surely the consequences must be bad if he told me not to tell.

My eyes wandered off into the distance as I thought deeper about this subject.

Well that is until Jimin broke my train of thought and said, "I'm guessing you're wondering what would happen if you were to tell someone."

After saying this, Jimin elegantly placed down his fork and wiped his mouth with the napkin that was sat next to him.

I scoffed mentally.

When was he such a "fancy" vampire?

He then placed his chin into the palm of his hand and stared into my eyes intently.

After like, 10,000 minutes, he then spoke, "Let's just say it has to do something with your body."

The word "body" immediately sent chills
crawling all over my skin.

"W-What do you m-mean by that?" I said and gulped nervously, anxious to hear his reply.

He leaned back in his chair and chuckled lowly, his head down. His chuckle rung throughout the air, turning the atmosphere into a cold and tense environment.

Slowly, Jimin raised his head and looked at me,  his chocolate-brown eyes now gone while his red eyes were beaming.

I felt fear and stress knowing what those red eyes meant, yet I couldn't tear my eyes away from them.

They were entrancing.

His gaze was serious and quickly turned dark as he was about to say his sentence.

His gaze was serious and quickly turned dark as he was about to say his sentence

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

"I mean punishment," he said in a chilling tone.

I froze.


I felt tense.

He doesn't mean torture right..?

Curious I asked, "B-By "punishment" you don't mean t-torture right?"

My voice was shaky and was filled with stutters when I said my sentence.

My big eyes looked at him desperately, hoping he would say no.

But Jimin then said, "Risk it and find out."

I felt even more tense than before. I felt my blood grow cold and I shivered.

"N-No thank you," I responded quickly.

What the heck is wrong with this guy? Is he bipolar or something? He was all sweet and bubbly a minute ago and now he's some mysterious, perverted freak!?

I looked down and began to eat the rest of my now cold meal silently.

I didn't want to speak.

I wanted to let everything sink in. I wanted to be able to comprehend everything.

Well that is until Jimin spoke up, once again.

"Y/N, I have a favor to ask you," he said calmly.

I looked up at him, my eyes bulging.

I then said, "What is it?"
"Well, us vampires have this.. gathering."

His voice grew quiet when he said "gathering."

"What do you mean by gathering?"
"You see, every lunar eclipse we have to find a blood-mate."
I shook my head in confusion, "Blood-mate? What's a blood-mate?"
"Umm.. well, a blood-mate is a vampire's, I guess, source of.. blood."

I looked at him shocked.

He then continued, "And with our blood-mate we have this special marking we put on them."

Marking? What?

"What does this have to do with your favor?" I rebelled.
"Well, Y/N, you kinda have to attend the gathering with me because.."

"My mark is on you."

-End of Chapter 23-

I feel like I killed you guys because of the Jimin GIF. Don't worry, I DIED A MILLION TIMES TRYING TO LOOK FOR THE PERFECT GIF. All my thoughts while looking at the GIFS we're like:
"Ok breathe it's just a moving picture and-OOOHHH MY GOSHHH HE'S-"
"Oh honey you know if you click that one, you'll die."
"Is it just me? Or is it hot in here?"
And finally,
"I'm pregnant."
But I really think I'm pregnant. Moving on, I think I might include more GIFS in my chapters because they add more of a visual to my FF! So yeah.. also, I think I might start adding pictures too! If you clicked on the picture up top, you'll get to see a picture of Jimin's eyes.. oooo. I actually edited that pic by myself so.. kudos to me. Also, pretend his blonde hair is black 😂 Anyways I hope you're enjoying this FF so far! ❤️ It is 12 A.M and I am going to bed now, but if you've read this far, you're a true friend :)

(DISCONTINUED) Assassins BiteOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz