REWRITING? Please read! (Not a chapter)

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Hey guys! So by the title of this announcement I would like to ask you guys if I should rewrite this book.

I know I haven't finished this fanfic but I feel like this book is all over the place and is messily coordinated.

I genuinely feel like I could do better on this book and make it even more enjoyable to read if I were to rewrite it.

That's why I wanna ask you guys what you think. Should I rewrite? Should I not? I wanted to ask you guys first to see what you want :)

This book would still revolve around an assassin and a vampire, but a lot of main events would change. For example, the part where Jimin gets stabbed would probably change drastically or might not even make an appearance..

I just feel this book moved WAY too fast and that it would be better if I took it slow.

Therefore, I would like your guys honest opinions on what you think about me rewriting this book. Of course, if you guys don't want me to rewrite then I won't, but if you do, I'll gladly oblige.

Also, a lot of new events that aren't in the book will happen. Like how they meet. I'm thinking of something other than the cliché of them "meeting at school" if I rewrite this ff. So yeah.

There might be some MAJOR changes too. For example, their age. Err so yea.

Anyways, if you guys have any questions or want any clarifications please don't be afraid to ask in the comments :) And please, tell me your guys opinions I greatly and I mean greatly appreciate it!!

Again, I will not rewrite this book if you guys don't want me too, but I will if you want :) Don't be afraid to express your feelings in the comments! ❤️😊

(DISCONTINUED) Assassins BiteOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora