24: Mark

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I could feel the blood drain away from my face as he said those words.

Mark? What mark?

My eyes were cold and full of hate as I stared him down, yet his gaze was innocent and sharp; it was frustrating seeing him look so clueless about his actions.

Why me?

I felt scared, angry, and overall baffled.

It's not everyday someone says they've put their "mark" on you. Especially if it's coming from a monstrous man who sucks blood to fulfill his desires of hunger.

"Where.. where is the mark?" My voice was needy while my eyes were slowly filling with desperation and anxiousness.

"Do you expect me to tell you?" He scoffed at my absurd question, taking a sip of his glass filled with water.
"Yes. Yes I do."

He looked up from his glass, lips still on the rim of the glass while he raised an eyebrow.

"And what makes you think that?" He retorted.
"Because I'm your blood-mate, Jimin. Now tell me."
He laughed sarcastically at my comment and said, "What a ridiculous reason for a explanation."

I could feel my eyebrows clash together, emotions of stress taking over.

"Just tell me." I implied.
"And why's that?"
"Because what?"
"Because of reasons."

I felt frustration submerge my thoughts at his rebellious side.

I took a deep breath and calmly replied, "What reasons?"
"Reasons you do not need to know."

I snapped.

"That does not make sense!" I yelled angrily, my fists smashing against the table.
"If you had a decent level of intelligence it would make sense."

I could feel my hands and jaw clench together at his words.

I quietly sat back down and looked at my lap, saying no more. Those words were enough for me to take today, so I sat there in silence.

Immediately, the room fell still. There was no background noise present.

Just silence.

My eyes bounced around my lap, looking over onto my half-eaten plate of breakfast. I could hear the faint breathing leaving my mouth while my chest heaved up and down with each exhale and inhale of air.

How dare he insult my level of intelligence. Who is he to accuse me of such accusations? I mean, just because he's a vampire doesn't mean he has to be arrogant, and is this dude bipolar? I mean, first he was all nice and all but now he's ice cold. Why- why would he make me a meal? And-

Suddenly, my thoughts were stopped short when Jimin spoke up, his voice filling the atmosphere.

"Your neck." He stated with a nonchalant tone.

I was caught off guard.

I looked up from my lap and my eyes trailed towards Jimin.

Jimin picked up his glass, looking at it while swirling the water inside, the translucent liquid hitting the sides of the glass while it sunk back to the center with every revolve.

"W-What?" I questioned, my voice filled with emotions of all sorts.

He opened his mouth, eyes still narrowed on the glass in his grasp.

"The mark. It's on your neck."

Chills traveled down my spine at his sentence.

(DISCONTINUED) Assassins BiteWhere stories live. Discover now