21: Flavorful

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Pain was all I could feel.

The pain was like none other that I've experienced.

It started at my neck and twisted its way around my body, stimulating every nerve occupying me.

It stung with a sharp, agonizing pain. I felt like my blood was being sucked out of me.

My body throbbed for mercy.

I felt my eyes flutter close at the feeling.

My hands found their way to something soft and fluffy; it felt like strands of hair. I gripped it out of pain.

My breath was shaky and uneven while my body felt weak.

I could feel the hands on my waist tighten. It moved me closer to him, closer to the danger, closer to the blood-sucking human. Yet did I care?


But soon, I felt no more.

No life.

No touch.

No nothing.

I faded away from reality, falling into a deep slumber.

|Jimin's POV|

My mouth was flooded with new tastes.

New flavors.

It was sweet like honey and warm like freshly baked goods.

It enticed me.

Moreover, she enticed me.

Her personality, her looks, her blood, everything. Everything caused me to go crazy over her. The way she blushed when I complimented her, the way she acts so strong, the way she's so caring under her independent persona.

They drove me crazy.

But her blood, it just drove me to the end of my sanity.

I felt reckless with her. I felt careless, not watching my intake of blood.

My lips stuck to her neck like a sucker fish, and I took her blood in like I haven't had any in decades. It was so sweet and irresistible. I couldn't control myself.

I felt her hands wrap around my neck, gripping my hair.

I groaned in response.

She tried to pull away but my grip on her waist tightened, bringing her closer to me so she was sitting on my lap. I couldn't resist her nor could I control myself.

It was the best blood I've tasted throughout my lifetime. I felt overwhelmed by how flavorful and good it was, but slowly, I felt her go limp, I felt her grow cold, and I felt her grow weak. Her body began to slouch.

I knew I was going too far, so I stopped.

Reluctantly, I felt my lips leave her neck. My eyes trailed up and down her features, and I saw there were two holes in her skin that were oozing blood. It's rich, dark, red color tempting me.

Slowly, I brought my face to her neck and stuck out my tongue. I felt the warmth of her blood spread into my mouth. I licked up all the blood escaping out of her neck. No way was I wasting a drop of her blood. It was too delicious.

Once the holes stopped dripping blood, I reverted to a position where I could see her face.

Her eyes were closed and her breathing was light, her chest rising up and down peacefully.

She was sleeping.

Gently, I laid her down onto the bed to where she was resting her head against the pillow.

Her hair was scattered behind her and there were wisps of hair covering her face. Her neck looked vulnerable in her state and it took all my self control to not jump her again. Where I sucked was red and swollen a bit. It looked plump.

She looked beautiful sleeping so soundly. The sun was illuminating her face perfectly, adding to the angelic aura she radiated, though, her personality was way different.

I took my hand and gently moved the strands of hair on her face to the side, revealing the rest of her beautiful features.

"I'm sorry, Y/N-ah," I said quietly, not waking her from her slumber.

I remained in my position, taking in more of her beauty.

"I wish I could have you, but I can't."

Memories from the past bombarded my brain when I said that phrase.

The last time I tried to love.. no I can't. It's too painful, it'll only hurt me.

I exhaled a sigh and covered Y/N up with a blanket. Immediately, she snuggled into the blanket, adding to her cuteness.

I still can't believe this is the girl who treated my wound.

Speaking of wound, I felt better. I felt fresh and energized.

I lift up my shirt a bit and touched where the stab was located.

It didn't hurt.

In fact, it felt like it was fully healed.

I sighed in relief and stood up from the bed, the cold atmosphere engulfing my body.

Let's go make some breakfast for Y/N. Shall we?

-End of Chapter 21-

Sorry for the short chapter :( My family members came Thursday, so I'm super busy..
but I do believe I'll update tomorrow too so stay tuned for that! ❤️🙌🏻

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