29: The Apple

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To say the least, it was oddly surprising for Eren to see the gate of the Titans without Levi being in his sights. Instead he was tangled up in a too tightly tied rope, binding his wrists and ankles, being carted by people he once called friend. His father looks determined. Why wouldn't he? The greatest power of all time lies behind the gate, a power he has been seeking for years most likely. So close in his hands, which worries Eren greatly. He expects Levi to come in and save him like a knight saving his damsel in distress, but that will never be the case! Levi isn't here! It's just Eren and... wait...

Eren looks behind him. There's another opening in the underground cave he's been dragged through. Outside that opening are red coats! Red coats everywhere! And also King Erwin. Who's holding onto the man Eren gave his heart to.

"LEV-" One of the assassin's that are keeping watch on him clamps his mouth shut.

"Do you want the red coats to notice us?!" They whisper shout at Eren, pulling at his hair like Eren is some disobeying pup. "If they find us, they'll kill all of us. Even you."

Eren knows that! He knows he doesn't stand a chance against all the red coats! He couldn't even stand up against the creed and that has cost him his freedom, and soon it will lead to an inevitable death. Eren scowls at the Assassin's hand on his mouth, debating whether or not to bite his finger off, but he doesn't get the chance. A rumble shakes the earth as the rock walls that was once standing tall tremble and slowly open to reveal a passageway.

Grisha stands by a small hole, the key Eren has kept for so long sticking out of it. The grin on his father's face is horrifying. All the man's dreams are about to be realised which only makes Eren's stomach drop.

The commotion startles the outside Empire goons. The men all shout and cheer before Eren hears King Erwin shout to march onwards. Eren desperately tries to shake off those that carry him, screaming to be let go. He wants to see Levi! Get back to him so they can escape. Abandon this mission! It's all going wrong, abandon hope, abandon everything but each other. He spots Levi, being hussled forward by four men. One isn't enough to hold the capable man down. Eren shouts to Levi and the man stops struggling for a second to find his lover's call. He sees Eren, struggles some more, but that's all Eren sees before he's carried away in the passage that undoubtedly leads to the sacred chamber of the Titans. The gate has been breached, and soon, the legendary tombs of the seven Assassin's will be cracked and opened to gather the pieces of Ymir to form the complete Apple.

The passage is long and the halls remain dark. The further they go, the more into the earth they find themselves. After what feels like ages Eren can't even see the entrance anymore. A few more minutes of walking down the narrow corridor a sudden glow illuminates the walls. The veins that travel through the rock face emit a soft, blue glow that travels all the way down to a wide open chamber. As Eren is dragged down the last few steps, the walls expand greatly to reveal a large room, the walls glowing with blue veins present to the group of assassin's seven tombs neatly aligned in front of them. In the centre just behind the tombs lies a great statue, which Eren assumes to be the Goddess responsible for the Apple and what has lead to this moment.

The creator of the Apple. Ymir. Her statue stands tall, almost touching the ceiling of this cleverly constructed cave. Her features aren't defined as time has definitely taken its toll on her. But what Eren can tell is that she's completely bare, one hand on her breasts and the other reaching out towards the roof. Her palm is flat, as if she's meant to be holding something, which Eren can only guess is meant to be the Apple.

Everyone halts momentarily to take in the surroundings. One of the assassins light up a torch and another helps him to light up the surrounding torches across the room. The surroundings are lit up more, and the seven tombs are revealed to be raised on a rock platform with only a few steps leading to them, and Ymir placed even higher.

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