Nagini hissed.

"I will do nothing of a sort! And for the record, I said die! Not pie, not fry, die!"

I glanced at Frank, seeing if he needed any assistance. He hissed, as if to say, 'nah, this snake's an idiot. I think I'll manage.' Frank was winning against Nagini without any sort of violence, only distraction. As Nagini grew more frustrated, he started to pounce. But Frank was clever. As Nagini pounced, Frank slithered out of the way. Nagini took a bite of her own tale and slithered off to die, the last hiss echoing in the graveyard.

Frank transformed back into his human self.

"That was easy." Frank armed himself with a bow and arrow. "Better get back with the archers, can't use all of my power just yet. Though, that was pretty fun."

As Frank walked off to join the archers I couldn't help but notice a limp to his walk.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Yeah," he stumbled. "I'm good."

He collapsed. I ran over to assist him. Will beat me to it, immediately gasping at the sight of Frank's neck. Nagini must have snuck in a bite and I hadn't noticed. Their fight had happened so quickly.

"That's a bite from a venomous snake. If I don't get you healed within the next minute you'll most likely be paralyzed," Will was rather calm given the circumstances. He began healing him, explaining what would happen. "You're going to be fine, but once I get you healed up it's likely we'll both pass out. I've healed a lot today, and you've just narrowly escaped death. Our bodies are going to power down."

Once Will was done healing Frank, Frank collapsed just as Will had predicted.

"See what I mean? Complete power down." Will put his head down in the grass and sighed. "Might as well make myself comfortable before I—"

Will's eyes rolled back in his head and his head rolled to the side. I set the two down beside Ron, Hermione, Jason, and Nico.

I spotted the twins a while away, mocking the death eaters they had managed to tie up, force-feeding them puking pasties.

"What's that you ate for breakfast this morning, some cereal is seems? Huh, doesn't taste as good the second time around does it?" Fred mocked the gagging death eater.

"Need any help over here, boys?" I tried to suppress my laughter.

"Everything's handled pretty well over here." George smirked.

"It's kind of weird, you know. Having them spew all over when we are literally standing over dead bodies. Isn't this a bit disrespectful?"

Fred and George both burst into laughter.

"Oh, please Harry. We'll carry on a ritual and make some sacrifices to these people's graves." George teased.

"It's for a good cause, the dead will understand." Fred said, feeding another puking pasty to a struggling death eater.

"Only joking," I said. "These people are working for the man who killed my parents. Feed them as many puking pasties as you please!"

Fred and George didn't need to be told twice.

I observed the battle from the point where Fred and George were standing. Percy and Annabeth were still fighting vigilantly, not having much trouble.

I couldn't find Piper. I wondered where she could be. Hopefully she wasn't hurt, we were fresh out of healers.

Leo wasn't so lucky. I caught glimpse of him limping away from battle, no doubt running low on fire energy. I watched as he attempted and failed to ignite a flame. He sighed, swore to himself, and collapsed on the ground. Thankfully, he was out of harm's way.

Now Ron, Hermione, Nico, Jason, Will, Frank, and Leo were unconscious. Magnus was....well, we don't need reminding of Magnus' current state, or lack thereof.

This left Hazel, Piper, Percy, Annabeth, Thalia, Alex, Reyna, Grover, Ginny, the twins, and me. I scanned the battle, trying to find all of them.

Hazel, Annabeth, and Percy were fighting a group of death eaters together, managing quite well. Thalia and Reyna were doing quite well in combat, not really needing to use their weapons much. Alex was stood guarding Magnus' body, attacking anyone who came near with a garrote. Grover was playing fiercely on his instrument, though I could see he was running out of energy.

Where was Piper? I wondered where she could be. Hopefully she wasn't hurt, we had no healers.

I scanned the battle for a sign of Ginny. I had only been with her minutes ago, she couldn't have moved far. A nervous feeling overtook me.

"No!" Hazel shouted, breaking me from my thoughts. I looked at Hazel who broke into sobs.

"No, no, no!" She sobbed.

Will woke up beside me. Perhaps he could heal faster, being a healer and all he struggled to his feet.

Fred and George looked up from their death eater. One moment, they were laughing at his misfortune. Now, they were shouting with as much desperation as Hazel.

"Shit, she better not be hurt," Fred was growing hysterical. "She can't be hurt, she can't. Not Ginny, not Ginny."

I followed Hazel's gaze. I caught the last glimpse of green light from an enemy's wand aimed right at Ginny's chest. As the light closed, Ginny fell to the ground. The death eater stood, admiring his work.

George grabbed both Fred and I and pulled us towards the scene.

I froze.

Ginny, it was her. I had tried my best to deny it, but there she was, cold, limp on the ground.

I caught a glimpse at the death eater who cast the spell. It was none other than Peter Pettigrew.

A rage overtook me. I sprinted after Peter as fast as I could. You'd have thought I was on a broom, how fast I was going.

"Fight me, you coward!" I took out my wand, casting every spell at him I could think of.

Peter hid behind defensive spells and charms, not casting a single spell back at me, only using his magic to protect himself.

My eyes welled with tears at the sounds of Fred, George, and Hazel's cries and shouts. They were just as angry, if not, even more angry than I.

"Betraying my parents wasn't enough for you, was it? You had to go and kill my best friend's little sister. Fight me, you rat, you coward!"

"Harry," Piper's voice was as hard as steel. "Allow me."

Peter whimpered.

"Peter Pettigrew, die." She commanded. Piper gave her final command that night. She fell to the ground, Will dragged her away to join the rest of the unconscious gang.

As his body fell, it was as if time had stopped. He was gone, he was really dead...

And I didn't feel any remorse.

Good riddance, Peter Pettigrew. And may you rot in hell with the rest of your death eater friends.

Harry Potter and the Lost Half-Bloods. *1*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora