"Breathe, Harry. You're going to go into shock, then I'd have three unconscious bodies to look out for." Will replied, firing an arrow at a rather homely looking death eater in the distance.

"Multiple?" Harry asked. The second he was Hermione, he gasped. "No, not Ron and Hermione. Damn it! It had to be Ron and Hermione."

"Don't make me slap some sense into you!" Will said. "They're going to be okay. Just set Ron down beside her and I'll look out for them. All you can do for them right now is keep fighting!"

I ran towards Harry to help, dodging multiple spells along the way.

"The Weasley twins were facing a pair of death eaters right over there, I think they might need your help." I suggested.

Harry didn't need to be told twice. He ran off back into battle. Will nodded to me.

"Why is it everybody follows your orders?"

I shrugged.

"Probably because they've seen my judo-flip. It's quite impressive."

I ran back into battle, picking up my dagger along the way. I wiped it onto my shirt. The blood of its last victim was still glistening on the blade.

I joined Alex in the distance, who had been cornered by a lot of not-so-friendly looking guys. The masked men surrounded Alex, raising their wands and debated which spell to use.

"This one decided to get mouthy with us," the death eater in the left spoke. "I'd say we put that talking to an end."

"Avada kad-"

"MAGNUS!" I called. "Peace of Frey, NOW!"

I shouted it loud enough so everybody on our side wouldn't be caught off guard and could pick up their weapons with ease. Magnus summoned the peace and all of our enemies dropped their weapons, as well as us with our weapons.

Thankfully, Magnus had said it right on time. Before the death eater could finish the spell, his wand flew to the ground.

As he bent down, I kicked him in the face and readied my stance. Alex joined me.

"Are you seriously going to let that green thing and that stupid girl defeat you?" The death eater beside him asked.

Alex went off.

"Oh, oh no buddy, I will not be referred to as a thing!" Alex shouted, kicking the man where the sun didn't shine. As he saw me ready my dagger, he disapparated.

We turned back to the man who had tried to kill Alex.

Alex readied the garrote. I aimed my dagger. Alas, he didn't seem to get the message. He pointed his wand at me this time.

"Avada ka--ugh!" An arrow flew by, grazing his arm, followed by another. Thalia and Will high-fived in the distance. It didn't hit him hard enough to severely injure him, however. The arrows only grazed him, after all.

He pointed his wand at Will, now.

"Think you're so clever with your filthy, muggle toy?" He sneered. "Avada kadavra!"

I don't know whether it was Nico sensing the potential death, or if he just so happened to look in the right place at the right time. Either way, he saved Will's life. An army of skeletons appeared in front of Will, taking the full blast of the spell. It didn't hurt them, however, since they were already dead.

"Oh, shit." The death eater had chosen the very same words I would have, had I been in that situation.

As the army ran near him, the guy was obviously too prideful to apparated away. He stood his ground with his wand pointed at them.

Harry Potter and the Lost Half-Bloods. *1*Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu