A Surprise, Maybe?

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A/N: remember, when the calligraphy is like this, then it's Len's thoughts.

Third-Person's P.O.V:-

Len finished his breakfast and headed fast to school. Not because he was late, but because he was a nerd. He reached school faster than before that time. Was it because his new room -or actually house- is near the school gates but not on the fourth floor? Or was it because he was lost in thought?

Come to mention that, where's Miku? I haven't seen her at all today. Maybe she's with Meiko? If that's the case, then why did she tell me to stay with Miku the whole time?

He sighed as he entered the classroom.

"Look look! It's Len-kyun!"

"I missed you, Len-sama!!"

Those fangirls..

The girls expected Len to shoot them one of his "sexy-glares" as they call them, but he just walked to his seat without saying anything.

"Kyaaa!!! So cool~"

Are they psychopaths or just masochists? He facepalmed and tried to relax. He took out his schedule and checked it. He then checked if he had any forgotten homework so he can do them to kill the time.


What a nerd.

So he decided to read a book before the homeroom teacher comes in.

What a perfect start to a perfect day...

Till now.

"Alright students, get to your seats. It's time for homeroom." And, here we go again with this tiring routine.


Just another ordinary day of his life. Classes, classes. Also classes. Seriously, when is this suffering going to an end? So, now he was walking through the hallway to his next class which was science. To him, it was like a break time since he admired science. Especially chemicals. It was like he finally can do something he enjoyed at least once a day.

He walked through the hallway, humming his favorite music which Rin used to play when they were little.

Come to mention that music, where's Miku?

She wasn't at home when he left... Anyways, he's not going to think of that for too long.

Suddenly, he heard the bell ringing.

What is it now? I hope I'm not involved at least.

And here comes that one familiar voice. Yep, no mistaking, it's our beloved principal.

"Important announcement. Class 9-2, ignore your schedule and return to homeroom. I repeat, class 9-2, ignore your schedule and return to homeroom. There are special news for you~"

Len felt like screaming. Why did she have to do that during his favorite class?! Meiko sure does hate him. "Fu*k my life," He mumbled under his breath. Oh wait, maybe he can ignore that announcement and ask Gumiya about it later-

"Oh, and student Kagamine Len has to come. I have something for him~!"


"Fu*k you."

So he changed directions and returned to his homeroom class. What kind of news are they, anyway? Who knows?


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