A Disturbing Concert (2)

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Third Person P.O.V:-

     "Sorry for coming in like that, but I needed to talk to you about something urgent."

     "Speak up."

     "It's about... The message that was sent two years ago."

     "What about it?"

     "Don't you think it's a trap?" Len smirked as he looked at their confused faces; Miku's head tilted to the side with an uncertain expression, while Kaito's lips pursed, his eyes widening. Immediately after Kaito opened his mouth to speak, Len chuckled, making the older male look at him with confusion.

     After a while, Len coughed, "ahem, well, you see, don't you think it'd be too predictable to just tell us about their plan in a letter like that?" He tried to explain further with a smile on his face as if he was not talking about a serious matter with his "leader". It took the blue-haired male a few seconds to understand fully what the blond teen meant. As soon as he did, however, his usual serious look returned to his face as he nodded his head at the boy. "Did you get anything that made you think so?" Len looked at Miku for a while before answering Kaito's question, and she was startled because their eyes suddenly met. He quickly averted her gaze and turned to the man in front of him.

     "I was examining the letter before the concert, but I couldn't get any more clues other than the ones we already figured out. Here, I even took a photo," Len pulled out his phone to show the two the letter they received about two years ago. Despite Kaito's desire to scold Len for entering the principal's room without permission, he just brushed it off and took Len's phone in his hand to see the piece of paper that he knows very well.

     "We got too many clues from this letter, like the fact that they still want to kill us all or the date they set to fight us or some bullshit," Len scoffed, "but don't you think it's a little bit too informative? They are trying to kill us, and if they had the chance, they would. So why are they telling us to get ready to die?"

     It makes a lot of sense now that Len has mentioned it. Their main objective was to get revenge on the Hatsunes and Kagamines, who killed their clan and almost made it disappear from existence. If that was truly their goal, then why bother giving them a warning letter when they can just kill them off?

     Something was fishy. It was as if Yowane Haku was trying to...

     Mislead them...?

     "So you're saying that they will attack us whenever they get the chance?" Len nods silently, his smile expanding. "I just heard Neru's voice. The conversation wasn't clear, but they're definitely planning to ambush tonight." At that point, Kaito was not the slightest bit concerned about the blue-eyed youth; he was used to seeing him grin or laugh when they were in trouble, and no one tried to find out why.

     "I bet you have a plan since you seem more excited than concerned," he smiled, returning the phone to Len before glancing at Miku, who was staring at them in awe as if she did not understand anything they had said. "Well, not entirely," Len replied, grabbing the phone while rubbing the back of his neck.

     "Judging by their situation, they're probably gonna attack from outside the stadium. Let's say that their plan is to use an abandoned building or some other building for rent. They'll bring in a sniper or whatever to shoot Miku while she's on stage," Len sighed as he sat down, feeling at ease when talking about something that made the other two feel extremely panicked. "They probably hired a spy to calculate Miku's every move so they can shoot at a certain angle at a certain time, which is totally absurd but hey that's a gangster we're talking about," said Len, stretching his muscles as the other two started to sweat intensely.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2023 ⏰

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