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even though not many people read this story anymore-

I'm genuinely thinking of finishing this book so I reread the chapters and holy hell the first few chapters were so rushed and kinda made no sense

I really really REALLY want to rewrite the story, but judging by how I have almost no time to write (and mainly because I'm lazy) I simply cannot do anything other than finish this cursed book

like this book is so far the best book I have ever written (tbh I have better original stories in my mind but am too lazy to write them. maybe in the future so stay tuned) but what the hell I feel embarrassed how did I think publishing that without planning was fine Imma cry

fr that just sucks how can I go back to 2016 and rewrite everything or just rethink the story at least like I'm crying laughing rn I don't even know what I feel about this I'm really sorry 13 year old me I'll bully you forever because you were weird af like cute but weird

ANYWAY, the next few chapters coming soon!!

I really hope this A/N will be the last one aka me actually finishing the book this year

......I have only two months to do that, then I'll be busy with college again

I'll do my best!


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