ONE-SHOT: A Little Love

Start from the beginning

Bryn lifted his face out of the pillow just enough to speak, "It's a little different than that. If it were something as simple as them wanting to fuck me to release stress, I would let them in," that had Logan bristling, something tight in his chest.

It felt a little bit like jealousy actually. Why was Bryn so happy to let other people sleep with him? Didn't seem very fair...

"Then who is he?"

Bryn buried his face back into the pillow, his voice muffled but still clear enough to understand, "Someone who doesn't come to me for therapy. He just... gets off on me not fighting even though I want to."

The jealousy turned to anger that lodged in Logan's throat, and he sat up, yet again ready to launch at the door, but Bryn grabbed his arm and pulled him back, leading him to lie back down and rolling onto his side, wrapping his arms hesitantly around Logan's waist, face against his chest.

Logan froze up, eyes wide, hands hovering over Bryn's shoulders as the other man mumbled, "This is cuddling, right?" he asked, and Logan opened and closed his mouth.


"Hug me back, then," Bryn said, "Just for tonight. After tonight, just ignore everything. The Syndicate soldiers, me... don't worry about it anymore."

Logan frowned at that as he wrapped his arms around Bryn's shoulders, one hand raking through the back of his hair, "I can't do that."

At least Bryn didn't argue, which was a bonus in the long run. It seemed he didn't have much energy to really tell Logan to back off, so simply got used to the former assassin sneaking into his bedroom at night when everyone else had retired. Sometimes they would sit together on the bed and talk, other times Logan would try to cover Bryn's ears.

Sitting behind him with his back against the pillows, Bryn leaning back against Logan while Logan covered his ears, trying to block out the sound of Anton Hirsch knocking on the doors. They would do this every night. Logan would hug Bryn from behind, and Bryn would allow it. It seemed he actually took comfort in Logan's presence, which he was happy for. That meant he could take care of him.

Every day was almost the same, generally peaceful, until the last night Anton came to knock. That was the night Carter just had to wander around the halls and get on the psycho's radar, which was absolutely brilliant. Bryn was too self sacrificing.

When he heard Carter's voice he immediately sat up from where he was lying on the bed with Logan, cursing and getting to his feet, "Logan, go," he ordered, and Logan furrowed his brow, sitting up.


"I'm not letting Carter get caught up with that guy, there's no way in hell," he snapped, taking Logan's arm and pulling him to his feet, leading him to the window, "Go, I'll be fine, and do not try to interfere."

"What are you talking about? You expect me to just sit outside while that creep-?!"

"I expect you to go to your room and sleep," Bryn snapped, forcing Logan out the window and onto the slanted roof, "Go, I'll be fine. I'll talk to you tomorrow."

Logan pressed his lips together to keep from saying something stupid, watching as Bryn shut the window and locked it, then pulled the curtains over it so Logan couldn't see into the room. He reached out to set a hand against the cold glass, knowing full well he could just open it if he really wanted to, but decided against it, lying his forehead against the window, hand curling into a fist against the glass.

"... what's wrong with me...?"

He didn't see Bryn at breakfast, but he knew what had happened. That was probably why he attacked Anton the moment he saw him in the arena. Naturally he didn't expect Bryn to forcibly drag him away, especially when all he was doing was trying to completely mutilate the fucker who hurt Bryn. Not kill, just mutilate, and he wasn't done, but Bryn pulled him away, which wasn't fair.

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