Mpreg AU

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Note: Special AU for wifey yheartsoandalovei, because I know how much she loves this concept! I hope you like the AU! Feel free to add your own ideas in the comments! Have discussions and whatever else! And definitely feel free to take this idea and have fun with it! I know I am. I'll be updating the AU periodically if I think of anything more or want to add anything. PLEASE COMMENT IF I MISSED A COUPLE OR IF YOU WANT TO SEE A CERTAIN COUPLE. Crack pairings (Like Cass/Ian) are accepted.

> Tobias/Carter - Two sons. Their first boy would be between three to five years old in Broken Doll. Carter realizes he's pregnant a few months following one of their rendezvous because of nausea and how everything suddenly smells awful to him. After some manipulation he convinces Bay to let him leave on a faked infiltration mission for around nine months, and is able to keep his pregnancy from him, staying with Tobias and the Syndicate until their sons birth. He has to leave almost immediately, not even having the chance to recover and spend time with his baby, and leaves him in Tobias' care for his own safety. Later on, after Broken Doll, they would have another son, named after Aled Emyr. Their first son would be named after the composer Camille Saint-Saëns. Their first son (Camille) looks almost exactly like Carter and it's almost scary, he has the same red hair and brilliant green eyes. Their second son (Aled), has slightly darker hair, like a blend of black and red, and the same hazel eyes as Tobias. Aled is more excitable than Camille, who tends to cling to Carter and Tobias. Despite being older, he's more submissive.  *EDIT: (7/30/18)*

> Kailas/Demi - There are two possibilities here. First one, Demi is infertile because Bay removed whatever reproductive organs he had, to avoid pregnancy while assaulting Demi. Second one, he was subjected to almost constant forced abortions, in which case he and Kailas would eventually have two sons. One with Demi's black hair and Kailas' green eyes, and one with Kailas' mahogany hair and Demi's gold eyes. The eldest is incredibly protective of Kailas, Demi, and his little brother, and the little one is just like Kailas. Demi would likely want to name one of them Ennis, after his father, while their other boy would be Raysel (meaning rose), in honor of Kailas' mother. *EDIT: (7/30/18)*

> Beckett/Orion/Dakota - Three boys. Older twins and younger baby. Whenever Dakota gets pregnant it's when the three of them have their special nights (where they double team Dakota) so they don't really know or care who the "real" father is. Orion is the fun dad who spoils them rotten (the twins are just like him) and Beckett is the gentle understanding dad who doesn't ever want them to grow up damn it. Names: Ronnie, Noah, Shiloh. *EDIT: (7/30/18)*

> Malachi/Arthur - Four kids, three boys with one girl who looks just like Arthur. He's such a motherly person and adores kids so he's always super thrilled when he gets pregnant. The kids call him mama and Malachi is papa, most of them have darker skin and eyes like Malachi, but their girl has dark blonde hair and blue eyes like her mama.

> Cass/Carina - They probably wait the longest to have kids, but eventually they have one son that's theirs by blood, and adopt a few more (because Carina is a softy who secretly loves kids).

> Klaus/Diego - Two kids, one older girl and a younger boy (named after Kiefer). Diego is afraid of being a bad mom, since he failed so miserably in being a dad, but he adores his babies and is violently protective of them. Names: Theodora "Teddi", Kiefer. *EDIT: (7/30/18)*

> Bryn/Logan - This is a tough one since they switch positions pretty often. Sometimes Bryn tops and other times Logan tops, so it all depends who gets pregnant first I guess. Logan would have twins, two boys (I like them all with boys), both with dark hair and brown eyes, they look really similar to Bryn and are too mischievous for their own good. If Bryn was the one to get pregnant he'd have one boy, black hair and bright green eyes just like Logan. He'd be a shy and adorable angel and Bryn would be violently overprotective. Names: undecided, but one of their son's is named Stefan, in honor of Bryn's brother. *EDIT: (7/30/18)*

> Duncan/Jasper - Just one boy. Jasper gets pregnant by pure chance during a certain, ehrm... one-night-stand, that I may or may not write about in Scintilla (though remember this is an AU version so he doesn't get pregnant in the actual book okay). They name him Quincy. Jasper is fiercely overprotective of him, and Duncan is really just thrilled that it happened at all honestly because who knew he'd be a DAD?! He looks just like Jasper, right down to the blue eyes, though his hair does have a reddish tint to it that matches Duncan's.

> Sean/Efren - Two boys because Efren deserves it. He's honestly such a surprisingly good mom, and he gives equal love to both his kids, ensuring that none of them ever feel lonely. He made the decision to stop at two kids, because he doesn't want to be somehow incapable of loving them all, and is scared of neglecting them or being a bad parent. Sean tells him that would never happen because Efren's heart is big enough to love at least five kids, but regardless they stop at two boys. Their names are Evan and Seth.


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