The Toy Master Trilogy Official Cover Art

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I know it's taken me some time to actually make an official chapter about this buuuut whatever, it's worth the wait lol. I'm proud to introduce the absolutely transcendent official cover art of the Toy Master Trilogy:

 I'm proud to introduce the absolutely transcendent official cover art of the Toy Master Trilogy:

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Art and design by Ramzy Kamen.

I can't even begin to describe how happy I am with these. My favorites are probably Broken Doll and Toy Soldier ahaha. God I spent a lot of money on these, in all around $600 and god knows I'm never going to make that back even when I do start publishing, but I honestly don't feel too bad about it, because I have something official that's mine and it makes me really happy.

And I know since these have been posted online by the artist that I'm going to see them everywhere, some people might use them for their own purposes, and I'm going to feel like I've been stabbed (especially considering the fact I spent so much money for such amazing work), but I guess that's just something else I need to learn to deal with like an adult. I know where this art is from, and I know who it belongs too, and I know the artist, so that's all that matters.

In case you haven't figured it out, each illustration features the main couple of that particular story. Puppet is Kailas and Demi, Toy Soldier is Dakota, Orion, and Beckett, Broken Doll and What Happens in Vienna are both Tobias and Carter. The elements of each cover is specific to that particular novel, and because I'm a fucking weeb, I'm going to explain them because they're important.

Starting with Puppet, the string/ribbon is wrapped around Demi's hand and wrist, signifying the puppet strings keeping him tied to the bad guys. And instead of me explaining, I'm just going to show you what my artist said: I've gone for this look to emphasize the glamour side of the story (if there's any). Red inspire love.  In my opinion you don't need to make exact strings like used on real puppets to show the message here which is being controlled or having troubles reaching to the other hand. The light becomes brighter as we reach the center of the image which leads us to the fingers crossing, that means that with light comes hope and reaching the light means reaching our dreams which is being together no matter what the obstacles are. - Ramzy Kamen

Next, Toy Soldier! The elements to this are a bit more complex. The chains signify Dakota and his self-loathing, his conformity, how he tried to be something that his mother would love. Chains that signify being controlled, but at the same time they signify strength. Those chains that he thought of as heavy burdens are exactly what he uses to keep himself strong. At the end of the book he comes to terms with who he is, who his mother was, and the religion that seemed to be nothing but toxic. He uses all of his shortcomings and struggles, and he becomes strong, and Beckett and Orion, his two beautiful boys, are who help him reach that point of strength.

WHIV and Broken Doll are sort of two in one. WHIV is when Tobias and Carter first met, which is why they're barely brushing fingers, but the light in the middle is showing the light that wakes Carter up and prompts him into rebellion. Then in Broken Doll, that red ribbon signifies the red string of fate, and the bonds that tie together during a marriage hand-fasting ceremony. They go from strangers to husbands and I love them so much.

What do you guys think? I hope you love them as much as I do!

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