Toy Master Trilogy: Fan Fiction Contest ((CLOSED))

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*This contest is now closed. The winner will be announced as soon as possible. Thank you to everyone who entered.*

The moment you've all been waiting for, I know! Today marks the beginning of the second official Toy Master Trilogy Contest! I first want to thank everyone who participated in the quote contest, you guys are what made it fun for me, being able to communicate with you kiddies and learn which quotes touched you the most. The contest wouldn't have really gotten anywhere if no one had entered, right?

I would also like to extend a huge thank you as well as a massive congratulations to the winner of the Quote Contest: silverfalcon332. Thank you so much, and congrats! I hope you're enjoying your exclusive Tobias/Carter couple pin <3 I'm also hoping this next contest will interest you as well!

Now, for my first contest I did something rather simple and easy. I mean quotes, easy peasy. For my second contest, it's going to be a bit more complicated, with an even better prize for the winner chosen~ Ya'll excited? Let's get started.

PLEASE READ THE RULES AND CRITERIA CAREFULLY BEFORE ASKING ANY QUESTIONS. Odds are I've already answered any questions you have. If you still have uncertainties after reading through entirely, then feel free to comment.

This contest will be a fan-fiction contest. What does that mean? Well I'll tell ya.

You must write a fanfiction/one-shot inspired by the books of the Toy Master Trilogy.

> Length must be from 2k words to 10k (the minimum is 2k, you have to at least put some effort into it). If the story ends up being over 10k, that's perfectly fine.

> You can choose whatever couple you wish to write about.

> You can write in any universe, alternate or otherwise (soul-mate AU, coffee shop AU, royalty AU, or the normal post-apocalyptic universe that the story is written in).

> Keep my kids in character as well as you can.

> All genres are valid and accepted (fluff, romance, erotica, angst, etcetera).

> Entries must be sent to me through email (, or posted onto the entrants profile with my name tagged in both the description and the chapter itself, so it's easier for me to find the entry.

> Entries e-mailed to me will be posted in THIS Behind the Scenes book for others to read. Non negotiable (however if you wish, I will keep your name as the author anonymous).

> Entries posted on the entrants own profile are required to have a visible disclaimer. Please do not use my characters without due credit. They aren't yours, so make sure to add a disclaimer at the beginning of the one-shot/fanfiction explaining where the characters come from and who they belong to.

> You can enter as many times as you want (write as many one-shots as your heart desires) but please put some thought into it.



- Originality (is it something I've seen before, or is it something new that draws me in immediately?)

- Character (did you write my characters IN CHARACTER, or are they all over the place? Is Demi acting like Arthur? Because if he is, you did something wrong)

- Grammar/Punctuation (you're not infants, please use basic grammar structure and correct punctuation. No text lingo, because that turns me away from work instantaneously)

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