Chapter 15

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Brooklyn's POV

It's the sound of someone slipping through the window that wakes me up. I quickly and quietly get up from my previous position on the couch and stock toward the window.

The silhouette of a man turns around and shuts the window as quietly has he can, only to turn around and find a dagger being pressed against his neck by myself.

He freezes under the blade before sighing as the lighting shining through the window lands on my face, giving him a clear view of who is threatening him.

"Hey, it's me. Brooke, it's Nightwing."

"But it's not Brooke." I murmur with a sigh before letting him go, the dagger being stashed back into its sheath.

We both stare at each other for a few moments before either of us make a move to say anything at all.

Finally, he says,"Have you been sleeping?"

I roll my eyes in annoyance at the question, but the truth is far from what I am letting on; I barely ever slept when I wasn't being held against my will so why would I start now? Granted I'm not being held against my will anymore, but I still don't trust anyone enough to feel comfortable falling asleep around them.

M'gann is no excuse. She is sleeping soundlessly in her room while I am now having a conversation with someone who-very easily I might add-snuck into her house.

"M'gann is sleeping enough for the both of us." I say pointing to the door, which we disappeared into a few hours ago. She has been in there since we got home from S.T.A.R. Labs.

"That doesn't really count." He says with a small groan as he watches me.

"It's counts in my book." I cross my arms over my chest as his eyes continue to pry out something- anything- he can use against me. "Besides, the fact that you so easily broke in does not make me want to sleep."

He rubs the back of his neck as he glances toward the window, "Right.... that was because I didn't really think that it would be a good idea to walk in to her apartment dressed like this." He gestures to his suit.

Despite my desperate attempt to disagree with everything he says, I can't. That is very logical. I just loath the fact that he is right.

"Is there a reason to your presents here?" I ask, not bothering to hide my annoyance. It's the middle of the night and he has nothing better to do than to sneak into an apartment and pester me about my sleeping habits? Especially with everything going on, I thought he would have more of a busy schedule.

"Yeah, actually." He says, his voice quicker than it was before as he looks at something in his hands and then holds it out to me, "I believe this is yours."

I look at it a little startled; I hadn't seen it in his hands until he called attention to it. But I can't ignore it now. Especially not when I know what it is. The black, worn fabric gave it away as my balaclava; the one that Ra's al Ghul had forced me to wear in order to hide my face. Even when I was in the temples where I trained.

Normal balaclavas only cover parts of your face, but mine was sewn together to also include my hood as if to ensure that I would not lose it.

I guess he sees the surprise on my face because he starts explaining himself, " We took it away from you when you were first-" he pauses, trying to find the right word before saying,-" detained. I thought you would want it back."

I stare at it for a moment remembering when I was given it. It was the first time I had ever killed anyone. It was after I went against my morals and gave into Ra's al Ghul. It was after Brooklyn died and the only thing left was a shell of the person she once was.

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