Chapter 56- Ty's Secret

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It is official! The leads for Immortal Secrets have been cast. The male lead, Will, is going to be played my bad boy movie star, Dylan Stone. But that is not what you guys really want to know. What has been going through everyone's minds is, who is going to play the female lead? Well I am very pleased to announce that that part goes to our newest super star singer, Amelia James! Amelia is not only everyone's newest obsession but she is the daughter of Jennifer Carter, who played the female lead in the original movie, Immortal Promise. Amelia's character is also the daughter of Jennifer's character, making her perfect for the role. Not only that, but she is the daughter of the film's producer, David James.

Filming will begin next week in Cornwall, England and a couple of other locations in the UK.

I look up from the website that is open in my laptop. It feels more real now. I can't believe I am about to play the lead in a movie. I only had a week before I left. It is Monday morning and I am in the library with Chase, Ty and Anna, during free period. I am meant to be writing an English essay on The Great Gatsby, but got distracted and started scrolling through twitter when I found the article. The bell goes and Ty and I go over to math.

"You ready for the test?" Ty asks me as we take our seats in the back.

"Nope." I shrug.

I have been doing a lot of studying for this exam, on my own and with Kyle, who has been a huge help. I really need an improve grade if I have any hope of passing at the end of the year and graduating. I still didn't have much hope though.

The test begins and I struggle to make my way through the questions but I managed to put some sort of an answer for every question by the end of the lesson.

"How do you think you did?" I ask Ty as we exit the classroom.

"Okay, I guess. You?"

"No idea. I guess we will find out when I get the results." I shrug.

Just then my phone beeps. Looking over at Ty I see that his has gone off two.

Need to talk. Time for your part of the deal- GG x

Ty and I look at each other in confusion and then walk over to GG's lair instead of the cafeteria for lunch. I follow Ty into the main building and then wait as he picks the lock on the door. We then walk down the stairs into the lair. I get the chills just being here. It is as creepy as hell. Like last time, GG herself isn't actually here.

"What do you want now GG?" I call out to the room.

"Welcome back Hope." I hear the icy, creepy female voice. "As you know, I did you a little favor. Now it is time for you to do one in return."

"What do you want from us?" Ty asks agitated.

"I need Hope to break up with Chase." All the blood drains out of my face. What? How can she expect me to do that?

"I am not going to do that! I love him. Why would I break up with him?" I yell, shocked.

"Because if you don't, I will tell everyone about Ty's secret." I look at Ty confused.

Ty looks as white as a ghost. Whatever it is, he really doesn't want people to know what it is.

"Ty, what secret?" I ask cautiously.

He stands there, looking at me but deep in thought as if he is trying to work out how to tell me. "Hope." He pauses. "I... When I was younger, I got involved with a bad crowd after everything that happened with Heather." She was the girl that Ty loved but then she tried to sleep with Kyle, causing the brothers to barely speak until a few months ago. "The summer before Junior year, I started doing drugs, shoplifting, and a whole lot more." I had no idea. Ty is one of the sweetest most caring people I know. I could never picture him doing these things. "Then I started dealing. It was bad Hope." He looks me in the eye. "I wasn't in my right mind. I was addicted to all sorts of drugs, desperate for that high. You don't understand that need. Like you will die without it and nothing matter's more." He looks pained. His eyes glossy. "Anyway, one night, Kyle followed me to a deal. I can't remember exactly what happened but there was a fight." He lifts up his shirts to show a small scar on his side, where his ribs are. How have I never noticed that before? I walk up closer to him, to get a better look. "I was stabbed. Luckily Kyle took me to his friend who saved my life. If he had taken me to a hospital I would have gone to jail. I would probably still be in juvie. Kyle's friend knew someone who runs a rehab facility. I made a deal with Kyle that I would spend the rest of the summer there, stay clean if he never tells anyone. We came up with some lie to my parents about me going to visit a friend for a few weeks and I got clean. I have been ever since." Ty's voice break. "No one knows except for Kyle, his friend, and I guess GG. If they find out I will be sent to jail. I will be tried as an adult because I am eighteen. Kyle would get into trouble too." He starts to panic so I wrap my arms around him.

"I won't let anyone find out Ty." I pull back so I am looking into his crying eyes. "I promise."


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