Chapter 3- Gracewood Academy

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Gracewood Academy was not what I was expecting. When mom said I was going to boarding school, I was picturing ancient buildings, really strict teachers and ridiculously hideous uniforms. Basically something like that school in Wild Child. What I actually found was modern buildings and pretty greenery. The buildings were made of brick and wooden panelling, with large glass windows and doors. It also turns out that Gracewood is on a cliff with an ocean view. The east coast that is. I really should have looked it up before I flew across the country.

Once I get all my luggage out the cab, I realise that I have a ridiculous amount of bags. I blame my mother of course. She insisted I bring most of my wardrobe, despite the fact that I will be wearing a school uniform most the time. The guitar and my backpack with my laptop and my other precious electronics didn't help the matter. But seriously, how am I going to carry all this stuff to the main office and then to my dorm room?

As I was debating the issue, I suddenly notice a flying object moving towards my head. Before I have a chance to duck, it hits me smack in the face and I fall to the ground.

"I am so sorry! I didn't see you there." A figure hovers above me. "Here, let me help you." He offers his hand and helps me up. It is then that I notice how tall he is. You can tell that he plays a lot of sport. Football probably, now noticing that it was in fact a football that hit me in the face. He has big brown eyes and light brown curly hair along with a grin on his face.

"It's okay." I say rubbing my head.

"I'm Matt by the way. Matt Turner."

"I'm Hope Ja- Carter" I quickly correct myself.. I relaxed when I noticed that he didn't seem to recognise me.

"It's nice to m-" Matt is interrupted when another guy appears and snatches the football. This guy is a bit leaner than Matt, but you can tell that he works out too. He is a bit shorter than Matt is, with tanned skin, dark hair and green eyes. Is every guy at this school this good looking?

"Hey, I'm John. Most people call me Tyler though." He puts his arm around my shoulders. "You must be new because I would have definitely remembered seeing you before." He says suggestively whilst checking me out, making me feel self-conscious in my very short denim skirt and flowery tank top.

Matt laughs. "Ty, this is Hope".

"Hope huh? Well that's a beautiful name to go with that beautiful smile." He grins.

I laugh. "Is he always this cheesy?" I ask Matt, ignoring Tyler's lame attempt of a pick-up line.

"Pretty much. I think he was dropped on the head as a child."

"Hey! You are just jealous because I can pick up more chicks than you any day." He lets go of my shoulders, pretending to be offended.

"Anyway, nice to meet you both, but I gotta go to the main office." I start to pick up my bags when Tyler grabs the largest one.

"Let us help you with this stuff." Matt offers. Relieved that I don't have to carry it all on my own, I thank them as we head to the office.

After retrieving my class schedule, a student handbook and my dorm room key, we cross the grass towards the dorms. There are stone paths that lead to the buildings. In the centre is a large fountain that is surrounded by picnic tables where kids are lounging around and enjoying the sun.

"So this is the quad. It's kind of like a park that is in the centre of the school." Ty points out. I guess he has decided to give me some sort of tour. "Over there is all the sport facilities, which is where you will find our buddy Matt a lot. He's here on sport scholarship. He is a pretty big deal around here."

"I'm not that much of a big deal." He shrugs.

"I will have to see you guys play sometime."

"Definitely." Tyler agrees. "Anyway..." he continues on with the tour.

Wow this campus is big. It even has its own café. We finally get closer to the dorms. According to my information pack I am in Hastings Hall.

"Oh great, you are in the dorm across from us!" Matt points out. "We are in Penn Hall, which is over there" He points at a building right opposite.

I am surprised when the guys continue walking passed the entrance. Isn't there rules about boys in the girl dorms? I then decide to ask this to the guys.

"It's fine as long as we are gone by 8pm on school nights and 9pm on the weekend. Not that it has really stopped us. They lock the doors, but not the windows." Ty explains. I'm guessing he has had a lot of experience sneaking in and out of girl's rooms at night.

"And here we are" Matt opens the door. It was bigger than I was expecting. The walls have been painted a simple plain cream color. There are two twin beds on opposite side of the room, with a desk next to each. When I walk further inside, I notice there is an en-suite bathroom and a walk-in closet too. I would guess by the stuff on the left side of the room that my roommate was around campus somewhere. Her side was decorated simply, in light pink colors. Her books seem to be unpacked an organised already, and her bed is perfectly made. I guess I am going to have to get used to living with a neat freak. I immediately recognise designer hand bags and shoes in the corner. In fact, I think she has more stuff than I do.

"Thank you both so much for your help."

"It was the least we could do after I hit you in the head with a football. If you give me your number we can meet up later before dinner?"

"Sure" I exchange numbers with both the guys, say our goodbyes and then get started on the unpacking.


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