Chapter 16- Oh Crap

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I do some homework after my shower to kill some time and then head to the cafeteria to meet up with the others. 

When I walk in everyone looks at me, probably wondering why I am in shorts and a t-shirt instead of my school uniform and why my wrist is bandaged up. I had to change the bandages after my shower after the other ones got ruined in the ocean. My wrist is still swollen and blue. I really need to think next time before I punch someone. 

I buy a sandwich and head towards my usual table. From across the room I can see Kyle who looks up and grins at me. I smile back. Chase is nowhere to be seen. When I sit down only Anna and Tom are there.

"Hey, what happened to you?" Anna looks at me worried.

"Long story. Will explain later." I mumble and take a bite out of my sandwich. I look across the room and watch Kyle. He catches me looking and grins.

"Who are you looking at?" Tom turns and sees Kyle. "Kyle? What's going on with you guys?"

I blush. "Uh, we are kind of together? Anna squeals, catching most of the room's attention. "Sorry." She giggles.

"Why are you screaming?" Ty sits down next to me. Dan and Greg join too.

"Nothing." I answer quickly giving Tom and Anna a look not to say anything.

"What did you do?" Matt asks me as he sits down.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that." He points to across the Cafeteria to where Chase walks in. The room goes quiet as they notice Chase's very swollen nose. I guess I have a good right hook.

"Wait, is that how you hurt you wrist?" Tom asks.

"Nice!" Ty laughs. Just then my phone beeps along with tons of others. Everyone's phones seem to be going off at the same time. Uh, oh. This can't be good.

Hello Gracewood! So by now you are probably wondering why Chase's beautiful face has been ruined, who managed to get a hit on sports star Matt and what new girl Hope Carter has been up to? Well I know it all. So for those of you have been living under a rock, here is the lowdown. Matt and Hope were caught having a heated argument on the beach the other day which ended with Hope running off in only her bikini to cover her. But don't worry, Chase Evans came to her rescue by lending her his shirt revealing his gorgeous abs. Yum... I am unaware as to what happened between these two but later on it was rumoured that Chase once again defends Hope's honour by punching Matt in the face. Meanwhile, Hope was seen going into Tyler's room. Hmm. I wonder what went on in there. But that's not all. She as later caught getting very cozy with his brother Kyle out on the quad. And when I say cozy, I mean lip locked in heated passion. So that brings us to my final piece of juicy gossip. Earlier today Chase and Hope were seen having a very public argument. Well by argument I mean Hope punching Chase in the face. As far as I know they have both been suspended for the week. Seems like there are a lot of boys in Hope's life. But just who will she end up with? Keep tuned to find out! ;)

-GG xx

Oh Crap. Literally everyone in the room looks at me.

"What is she talking about Hope?" Ty demands. "What is going on with you and my brother?"

"Ty. We were going to tell you. Let me explain." I plead with him. Kyle rushes over.

"Bro, I can explain." Kyle tells Ty.

"First Heather, now Hope. You are dead to me." Ty storms out.

"Kyle, I-" I start tearing up.

"Hope, it's okay." Kyle pulls me into a hug. "We will fix this."

"I need to go." I rush out of his arms to leave the cafeteria and the many pairs of eyes following my every move."

"Wait! Hope! Slow, down. Talk to me." He follows me into the hall. "Please?" I turn around and look at Kyle.

"Look, maybe we shouldn't be doing this?"

"What do you mean by that?" Kyle looks hurt.

"It is already messing everything up. Ty was my friend before we started doing whatever it is we are doing. He has been there when I needed him. If being with you hurts him, then we need to stop this. I am sorry." I walk off trying to hold back the tears.


Sorry it is a very short chapter. In other news, the christmas season has begun! December is finally here. Has everyone got their advent calendars?

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