Chapter 31- Destiny

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Ben and I are sitting in a café somewhere. We ordered some more food and two milkshakes and I am practically inhaling my burger.

"I found this in your room." He takes out a big envelope and puts it on the table. On the envelope is the logo for Evan Records. "Care to explain?" Ben looks at me expectantly.

I sigh. "Joe offered me a recording contract."

Ben's eyes widen. "AJ, that's amazing!"

"I'm not going to sign it though." I shrug.

"What do you mean you are not going to sign it? This is what you are meant to do. This is you're your destiny remember." He looks at me like I told him I was Santa Clause.

"Well at first I wasn't going to because I thought I was pregnant. But what about school? And then there is the fame and the paparazzi and everything that I have spent years trying to avoid."

"All that stuff comes with it. But you get used to it. I mean look at me? I seem to be doing fine."

"Yeah, says the person who had to wear a hat and sunglasses to avoid getting mobbed." I point out.

"It isn't that bad. You have had to deal with the downside your whole life. You never got to deal with the benefits before. It is worth all the crap to be able to stand there and sing in front of an audience and hear the roar of the crowds. The high you get from it is worth all the lows. And allowing yourself to show the world your amazing passion and talent is as freeing as you will ever get. Who would you rather be known as? The daughter of some famous person? Or to be known for your amazing gift?"

"Okay." I whisper.

"I mean it-"he suddenly stops. "Wait. Okay? You will sign it?" he looks at me in shock surprised that I agreed so quickly.

I giggle. "Yes. I will do it. Your right. It is about time I step out of my mom's shadow and do what I want for a change."

"YES!" he says excitedly.

I laugh. "Give me that." I already read it and agreed with the terms. "Pen?" he grabs a pen out of his bag. I take a deep breath and then sign the dotted line. "I can't believe I just did that." I grin.

"Destiny AJ. Destiny." I laugh at his cheesiness.

"Thank you. For everything."

"Anything for you AJ. Just call me next time if you need me okay? I will come straight over. The perks of owning a private jet." He winks.

"Let's go back to school." There is someone that I need to talk to.

Ben drives me back to the beach car park. "I will miss you." I kiss his cheek.

"Will miss you too, AJ." He hugs me and I walk back down the beach towards Gracewood Academy. Home.

I walk up the path and head to the roof. I sit down on my favourite spot under the greenhouse and look out to the ocean. I send a quick text but after a few minutes I still don't have a reply. I stand up and walk to the side of the building and look across the quad. 

Gracewood really is beautiful. People are walking around happily giggling and laughing. After about an hour I start to really fill the November chill and I turn to leave when I see him standing there. Staring at me. He is looking as gorgeous as ever.

"Hi." I say.

"I got your text." He says simply.

"I didn't think you were coming."

"I wasn't sure if I was either. After everything that happened with Kyle." Chase says sadly. "What did you want?"

"Do you like me?" I say bluntly. It is something that has been bugging me since Kyle suggested it.

He looks taken a back. "I uh... maybe." He stutters.

I take in a deep breath before I speak. "Look, Chase. Ever since I came to Gracewood you have driven me nuts. You stole my muffin, blew up experiments ruining tons of shirts by the way, you were always being nosy, you interfered in my business, you broke your promises and you wouldn't leave me the hell alone!" I ramble.

Chase looks hurt. "I-"

"No. I am not finished!" I walk up to him so that we are only a few inches apart.

"You also listened to me when I needed someone to talk to, you were there when mom was being selfish, you hurt Matt because he hurt me, you lied to the principle to get me suspended instead of expelled, you came to keep me company when you knew I was going to have a sucky weekend with mom, you helped me follow my dreams and spent hours creating my demo, you held me when I cried, you were the to support me when I was scared, you defended me against your best friend, and most of all you stood back when I was with Kyle even though you liked me." I finally finish. "Didn't you?"

He nods. "What are you saying?" he says hesitantly.

"I am saying that I was so blinded by all the crappy stuff you did, that I didn't notice everything you did for me. And I didn't notice that I was falling in love with you." I admit.

"You are in love with me?" he grins as he pulls me to him.

"Yes." I whisper. "I love you, Chase Evans."

"I love you too, Hope Carter."

I grin. "Really?"

"Of course I do. I was going to tell you on Halloween. I have been in love with you ever since I met you. I pushed Kelsi over because I was jealous that you guys would spend so much time together and you wouldn't spend time with me-"I interrupt him by jumping into his arms and giving him a kiss. "And then when you came here it was like..." he pauses thinking for a word.

"Destiny." I finish.

"Yeah. What now?"

"How about you help me produce my first album?" he scrunches up his eyebrows in confusion.

"You are looking at Evan Records newest artist!"

"Really?" He says excitedly.

"Yup. It looks like we are going to be very busy. You up for spending all that time with me?" 

"There is nothing I would like more." He kisses me.

Honestly coming to Gracewood is the best thing that could have happened to me. I found the best friends that I always wanted, I fell in love with an amazing guy, but more importantly, as cheesy as it sounds, I found myself. I am not just Amelia James the daughter of Jennifer Carter and David James. I am Hope Carter. And soon everyone else will know that too. I hope.


So this is as far as I have got with the editing. Not sure how long it will take to edit the other half before posting. So sorry if it takes a little while. Please vote and comment! Maybe if you guys push me to post again soon it might remind me to edit more. 

Anyway what did you think of the first half?

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