Chapter 38- Tell Me

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"So guess what?" Ben says to me.

I am sitting on his bed in his hotel room. It is Thursday night, we just finished the last bit of recording except for the song I am still working on. I feel kind of relieved because I was feeling guilty taking up all my friends time when they had their own things to worry about like tomorrow's game.

"What?" I say amused at Ben's excitement.

"I stole the photos."

"Photos?" I don't get it.

"You remember the photoshoot you did in Atlanta?" I nod. "Well those photos was for an article about you and your mom right?" I nod again signalling for him to continue. "Well I did some digging. It turns out that it was for some special feature which was meant to come out next week. They only wanted to do the interview because you were in it."


"Yeah, they don't really care about your mom. They were more interested in meeting you."

"Really?" I say excitedly.

"Yeah." He grins.

"So what's this about you stealing the photos?"

"Well your mom lied and said you were sick. So they had to make it about her instead so they didn't use your photos. So they gave them to me in trade for promising to do an interview with them in the future."

"What are we going to do with them?"

"Well I thought they could come in handy for later. For like publicity and stuff."

"That's great!" I crawl across the bed and hug him. "So what's going on with you and Tom?" I grin.

"W-What d-do you mean?" he stutters.

"Oh, come on. It is so obvious. You guys have been staring at each other during our recording sessions and there is all the flirting."

"We are not flirting!" Ben blushes.

"Yes you are. Come on. You can tell me. I am your best friend! Please?" I bat my eye lashes, begging him to tell me.

"Okay. I might have a teeny, tiny crush on him." I squeal. "Ow. I think you burst my ear drum. Nothing is going on though. Now what about you and Chase?"

"What about me and Chase?" I play dumb.

"There is obviously something going on."

"Okay fine. We are together but we aren't telling anyone."

"I knew it! Why not?"

"I didn't want to hurt Kyle any more than I have. And I have enough going on. I didn't want people interfering." I will tell people eventually. But there is enough going on for now.

"Okay. You better go. Curfew is soon. Come on, I will give you a lift." We get up off the bed and make our way back over to school.


I plop down on to my bed exhausted. I sigh loudly. I am so tired I don't even think I have the energy to change into my PJs.

"Are you going to go to bed? Cause I want to turn off the lights." I shoot up shocked that Jess just acknowledged me.

"Uh, yeah. I will just be a sec." I quickly change and turn off the light. Climbing into bed my phone beeps.

Chase: Hey, u back yet?

Me: Yup. Just got in.

Chase: How is ur song coming along?

Me: Slowly. I have the music mostly sorted but need lyrics.

Chase: will it be ready to record soon?

Me: hopefully.

Chase: sounds good :)

Me: u excited for the game tomorrow?

Chase: Yeah, cant wait.

Me: I am excited. It will be fun

Chase: what will I get if I win? ;)

Me: hmm. If u win u may get rewarded

Chase: what kind of reward.

Me: u will have to wait and see ;)

Chase: I am going to go to sleep. Big day tomorrow.

Me: me too. Soo tired. Love u night! Xx

Chase: love u too! <3

I connect my phone to the charger and then lie back down. I am out as soon as my head hits the pillow.


A bit of a filler chapter. Please vote and comment! xx

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