Chapter 27- Halloween

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A few weeks has passed and tonight is the Halloween dance. Kyle has been great and things are finally back to normal. Anna, Chloe, Emily and I had gone shopping for our costumes last weekend and I couldn't wait to try them out. I was going over to Anna's room later to get ready.

I was just finishing up some homework when Jess walks in. "Don't you have somewhere else to be right now?"

"Nope." I smirk.

"Well you need to get lost."

"Jess, I am really not in the mood today to deal with your shit." I stand annoyed.

Jess's eyes widen at my remark. I don't usually argue back with her. "What's wrong with you today?"

"Nothing." I say too quickly. She raises her eyebrow but doesn't say anything.

My phone then buzzes.

Ben: Look at this. You need to read this.

There is a link below. I click on it and it brings me to an article.

The return of Amelia James

Following the rumours last month of an Immortal Promise sequel we have been looking into what Jennifer Carter has been up to. As most of you know, Jen has been on her new tour and has been recording her next album with music producer Joseph Evans. Now what you may not know is that his son Chase Evans was seen going to an after party with... you guessed it Amelia James the daughter of Jen and David James, as well as Ben Daniels, pop sensation and movie-star. The trio were spotted all over Atlanta. Chase and Amelia were seen looking cozy leaving a club. What do their parents think of this match up? Where has Amelia been hiding all these years? Will there be an Immortal Promise sequel? Stay tuned.

The article had photos of us all over Atlanta. Luckily most of the photos has my face covered up by sunglasses or are blurred so it is hard to recognise me. What am I going to do if someone can tell it is me? Chase is not going to be happy when he finds out. Oh god. What is my mom going to say if she reads this? As if I didn't have enough going on today.

I gather up all my stuff and head over to Anna's room. When I get there I hear Carly Rae Jepsen's song I really like you is blaring through the speakers. "What are you guys doing?" I yell over the music. 

They all freeze from where they are standing. Anna and Emily are jumping on their beds and Chloe is half dressed on the floor.

"Join us!" Chloe stands up and grabs my hand and starts spinning me around to music. We soon get into it and start singing at the top of our lungs dancing around like crazy lunatics.

"You guys are crazy!" I giggle.

"And that, dear Hope is why you love us!" Anna announces.

"I love you guys too." And I really do. I never thought I would have friends that I would love and trust. Gracewood is the best thing that ever happened to me. "Let's get ready." 

We all grab our costumes and get ready together. Emily is going as an angel and Anna is the devil. Chloe is dressed up as a punk princess in her very short revealing dress, newly pink dyed hair and a tiara to finish the look. I am going as a goddess. I am wearing a white toga dress with gold gladiator heels. My dress is long and backless with a slit down the side. My hair is curled and I have crown made of fake leaves and flowers placed on top. 

I couldn't wait to see Kyle's reaction to my outfit. I still haven't told him about what happened with Chase. I decided to try and give our relationship a go before I give up. Well that was the plan until this morning.

After getting ready we all head over to the dining hall which has been transformed for the dance. There are long purple drapes along the walls. The tables have been pushed aside to make room for a dance floor in the middle and have been covered in black table clothes. The room is also filled with Halloween decorations such as fake spider webs, graves and skeletons. 

Over by one of the tables is Greg, Tom and Jack are chatting, not far from then Matt is making out with Jess. Ew. Ty, Dan and Jason are dancing with a bunch of girls dressed up in slutty costumes, Simon and Emily are chatting over by the punch and Chase is by the turntables, playing DJ until the band starts. The only one missing is Kyle.

Hands suddenly cover my eyes. "Guess who?" I giggle.

I turn around and give Kyle a quick kiss. "Hey, babe. Nice Costume." Kyle is dressed up as a gladiator.

"You look beautiful. Do you want to dance?"

"Thanks, yeah sure." 

We dance for a couple songs and then I leave for a quick stop to the bathroom. On my way out I bump into Chase in the hall.

"I need to talk to you." We say in unison.

"Come on." Chase grabs my hand and pulls me away from the dance to the roof.

"You look nice by the way." I say leaning against the wall. He is dressed up as a pilot.

"I really need to tell you something. About that night." He looks at me seriously.

"Me too." I sigh.

"You do?" he looks at me confused.

"Chase." I start to cry.

"Hey. It's okay Hope. What is it?" he pulls me into a hug and I cry on his shoulder. "Hope. You need to calm down and tell me okay?" I look up into his beautiful grey eyes.

"This is so messed up. I don't know what I am going to do. How did I get myself into this stupid situation. I should have never slept with you." Despite my panicking I still notice the hurt look on Chase's face but I am too freaked out to care about that right now.

"Everything will be fine, but you have to tell me what it going on." Chase attempts to calm me down again.

"Everything will not be fine!" I yell back.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm pregnant."


Please don't hate me. This is important for the scenes that follow but read at least a couple more chapters before giving up. And if you liked it, then continue reading! 

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