Chapter 7- The Muffin Thief

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When I got back to my dorm, Kyle was gone. I am now on my way to Spanish where I will have to see him and I can't help but feel nervous. Yesterday I felt like we had a couple of moments. I just hope it won't be awkward. I arrive a bit early and find a free desk near the back row. Mrs Rosa walks in as the bell rings, shortly followed by Kyle. He scans the room for an empty desk when he spots me, and makes his way over to the free desk behind me.

"Hey." I turn. "Sorry about yesterday."

"Don't worry about it." I turn to face the teacher who is about ready to start class. "I had fun." He whispers down my neck sending me a wave of shivers.

As cheesy as it sounds, I feel butterflies in my stomach. That is something that I never felt with Alex in 6 months that I have felt with Kyle in one day. Just the thought of him has my heart racing and my palms all sweaty. Oh great, I am turning into an insecure fan girl or something. The rest of class continues uneventfully.

"... I would like you all to prepare for a test next week for your homework." Mrs Rosa continues. A test? Already?

"I can't believe we have a test already!" Kyle reads my mind on our way out.

"I know, right? It's only the second day!"

"So what have you got next?" I look down at my schedule and see that it is my free period. I show it to him.

"Cool. Me too. Wanna go grab a coffee or something at the Café?"

I smile. "Yeah I would like that."

We go and grab our drinks and head to the picnic tables in the quad. Looking around it seems that most of the seniors and juniors are around. I guess most of them have a free now. It quite busy outside as students enjoy the hot, sunny weather. We find a table and sit down opposite each other.

"So what are you into?" I sip my yummy caramel frappe.

"What do you mean by that?" he gives me a quizzical look before he smirks. "What are you implying?" he asks suggestively.

"Oh, god! No." he laughs. "I mean like what sort of group do you hang with? Are you a part of any team?

"Why don't you guess?" he asks amused.

"Well... you are pretty confident, so I would have guessed drama club, but you are too cocky for that. So that combined with your hot body, I'm going to go with some kind of sport. Football?" he laughs.

"You think I'm hot?" shit. Did I say that?

I blush. "Shut up!" I nudge his arm. "Well was I right?"

He laughs. "Yeah, your right."

"Yes!!" I yell and people stare at me. "Whoops. Sorry." I giggle. "Okay, now your turn."

"Okay, well you have definitely got a rocking body, and you're giggly. A cheerleader?" I start laughing. "What? Was I that far off?"

"Kinda. I don't really think I fit into a group. I kind of so a bit of everything. I sing and play the guitar. I use to dance when I was in middle school but quit before high school because my friend Sabrina told me it was lame."

"She doesn't sound like a great friend."

"Yeah. I think she was using me because of" I stop. I trust Kyle despite only having known him for just over 24 hours, but I am just not able to bring myself to tell him about my parents. "- her being jealous or something. She was never a great dancer." Technically that wasn't a lie. She did really suck at dancing.

"What else do you like to do, besides music?"

"Sometimes I run. Not like competitively or anything but just to clear my head. I haven't been able to do that since I got here. And that's about it really." I shrug. "What about you?"

"Well, football mostly. I play basketball in the winter too. Other than that I usually just go to parties or hang with my friends." He shrugs.

We continue talking for the rest of free period about our likes and dislikes, our opinions on The Terminator, the Spanish test and our theories on what Mr Stevens gets up to so late at night that makes him so tired during the day. We then swap numbers and part ways to go to our next class which is math. Ugh. I really hate math. But at least Ty will be there.


The rest of the day goes by uneventfully. I spent math whining to Ty and making fun of Mr Buckthorns hair, which is clearly actually a wig. Then had lunch with the guys followed by Art which was a total disaster. Who needs to know how to draw a bowl of fruit anyway? I arrive to chemistry late, as I spent the end of art class trying to get the paint to my hands, face hair and well... basically everything. By the time I get there, it doesn't look like there is any places left except for an empty desk at the front. I guess I am not going to get a chemistry partner. I quickly sit down and take out my pen and notebook.

"So, today we are going to look at how to do a successful titration-"Dr Jordan is interrupted by someone rushing in. "Mr Evans, nice for you to join us. Please take a seat next to Miss...?" he looks at me.


"Yes. Welcome to Gracewood by the way Miss Carter." The hot guy comes over and takes the free stool next to me. It is then that I notice that he looks familiar but I couldn't place him. I spend most of the class trying to sneak glances at the guy whilst he totally ignored me. It was about 5 minutes till the end of the day when I finally saw his face, including his grey eyes. Holy shit! It's the muffin thief! He then notices me staring and smirks.

I quickly look away and start packing my things into my bag. As we leave class the muffin thief blocks me.

"Hey, I'm Chase. Have we met before? You look familiar."

"Yeah. You are the guy who stole my muffin yesterday." He looks at me quizzically and then a look of recognition crosses his face.

"Oh! Princess. Or?" he looks at me expectantly.

"I don't see why I should have to tell you my name. Now please move, I need to go." Realising that the lab is empty.

"I guess Carter will do. I mean that is what the teacher called you right?" Making no effort to move out of my way.

"Move. Now." He finally moves. "By Evans!" I walk passed him and out the door.

"Bye Carter!" I hear him yell out.


I am in Israel! Whoop! Sharing a small apartment with ten people for the week so it is more than cozy but it is great to see my aunts and uncles and cousins!

So still managed to post from half way around the world!

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Gracewood Academy (Hope and Secrets)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя