Chapter 52- Dylan Stone

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I walk into a theatre taking in the empty stage and seats. Why am in an empty theatre? Well I am meant to be meeting the guy who is supposed to play Will, along with Fiona and Michael. I walk down the aisle until I am standing right in front of the stage. As I am here a little early I hop onto the stage, walking over to the piano that is sitting there. I take a seat and start to play one of my songs, singing to myself. I am interrupted by someone clapping. Looking up I am surprised at who I see.

Dylan Stone. Dylan is one of the world's biggest movie stars, party animal and player. He was constantly on magazine covers and talked about on TV. I had never met him personally but I heard rumours that he was a jerk.

"Nice. So you are the girl who is playing Amber. Not what I was expecting." He looks me up and down. So I guess the rumours are true. He is a jerk.

"And what were you expecting?" I dared him to finish the sentence with my arms crossed.

He smirks. "Well when I heard that you were David's daughter I was expecting some stuck up Barbie doll who would probably be a screeching fan or something."

"Well, sorry to disappoint you." I say sarcastically.

"Ah, I see you to have met. Sorry I am late." Michael walks in interrupting us.

Michael Page, or Mike, as he insists, is only about twenty two and has been working for my dad since he was about my age, working his way up until now. Directing his first movie.

"How about we run through some scenes." Mike continues. "Let's start from when your characters first meet. I will play the vampire that attacks Amber for now."

I take my script out of my bag, finding the scene he was referring to.




AMBER explores the forest, passing naked trees that have already shed their leaves for the winter. She is wearing a thick coat with fingerless gloves due to the cold weather. She notices the EVIL VAMPIRE standing by himself near a giant pile of leaves.


Excuse me? What do you think you're doing here? This is private property.


AMBER smiles and approaches the vampire. When the EVIL VAMPIRE starts talking, AMBER stops in her tracks.


I could ask you the same thing. I know who you are, AMBER.



How do you know my-



I've been watching you. You shouldn't be here.

The EVIL VAMPIRE starts to walk towards AMBER. She starts to slowly back away.


Leave! Now!

The EVIL VAMPIRE's eyes turn red with rage as he speedily tries to reach out and attack AMBER. She starts to run away until she runs into WILL standing in her way. A fight breaks out between the EVIL VAMPIRE and WILL. WILL ends up getting the EVIL VAMPIRE to leave. WILL turns to face AMBER who is still there watching.


You saved me.


He was right. You need to leave. And never come back.

WILL walks back past AMBER about to leave.


Wait! At least tell me your name.

WILL pauses but doesn't turn back to face her.


It's WILL. Now go.

WILL carries on walking away, leaving AMBER alone in the forest.

"Great work you two! You were perfect. You guys have great chemistry." I never thought of myself as an actress but I guess I must be doing something right.

"Thanks?" I say more as a question.

"Filming will start in a few weeks once Amelia is on holidays." Fiona reminds us.

"It is going to be a lot of work and long hours. We have a very small amount of time for filming." We nod as they pack up to go.

"So we have good chemistry huh?" Dylan smirks.

"Get over yourself Stone." I roll my eyes, picking up my bag and putting away the script.

"You don't like me do you?" he says more seriously.


"Good." He grins. Huh? "It means I have a challenge."

Don't I have enough boy drama going on already?

Sorry it's been forever. Finishing the year and I have a ridiculous amount of assignments. Just found this unpublished. The rest is written just needs editing. There is an ending so please hold out if you want to find it how it ends. If you have given up on me fair enough because I suck.

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