Chapter 5- Too Bad Princess

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Today is officially the first day of school. I am kind of feeling a mixture of excitement and nerves. I'm excited cause I don't have to deal with fake friends anymore, and won't have all the attention on me. However I am nervous because I have a feeling that even without people knowing who my parents are, that I will have attracted their attention after last night's fiasco.

Whilst Jess is in the shower, I go to the walk in closet and pick out my outfit. Unfortunately we have to wear uniforms but they are not that strict. I put on the school blue patterned tartan skirt which ends a few inches above my knees, a light blue, three quarter sleeve shirt (the type of shirts are optional) with a matching tartan patterned tie loose around my neck. I decide that it is too hot to wear tights, the blazer or a jumper, so I just put on some white ankle socks and some cute black ballet flats, and add some light makeup. I then grab my bag, and make my way to breakfast.

Whilst walking over to the cafeteria to meet the guys, I take a look around the campus. It's strange that I still have a view of the ocean but on the other side of the country. Makes it feel like home.

Walking into the cafeteria I notice the guys are not here yet, so I just get in line in the meantime. Just as I reach for the last blueberry muffin, someone else snatches it first.

"Hey! I was gonna eat that!" I say turning around to the thief. And then I stop and stare. God, this guy is gorgeous. And I thought the actors from home were good looking. He almost a foot taller than me, with piercing grey eyes and sandy blonde hair. He is by far, the most gorgeous guy I have ever laid my eyes on. Until he opens his mouth.

"Well you snooze you lose. I got to it first and therefore its mine." He smirks.

"Well I am in front of you in the line, so I get first pick of food before you do." I smirk back. He then leans in close to my ear.

"Too bad princess." He whispers in my ear and then leaves the line like nothing happened. Ugh. I really wanted that muffin.

Still in a bad mood, I go and look for a table when I spot Matt with a plate full of scrambled eggs. "Isn't that a lot of food for breakfast?" I ask sitting down.

"Gotta eat have some protein," he says rubbing his belly. "What's got you in a bad mood today?"

"Some idiot stole my muffin." I explain as Tyler sits down with a plate of pancakes stacked up high. How do these guys eat so much and not end up the size of a house?

"I would have thought it would have been from having to share a room with Jess." Ty says with his mouth full of pancakes.

"Yeah, that didn't help either." I pause. "Wait how did you know about that?" Does everyone know everything about what happened last night?

"GG." the guys say in unison like it explains everything.

"Who is GG?"

"It's not a person. It's a blog. GG stands for Gracewood Gossip." Matt explains.

"Very original." I mutter.

"That's why it was eventually changed to GG. It is like the unofficial school blog which is basically school gossip."

"The school hates it but because no one knows who the GG blogger is they can't do anything about it." Ty comments.

"Yeah but if it is a student surely it wouldn't last long as they have to graduate eventually?" I point out.

"Well that's the weird thing. It's been going on for years. Whoever it is, passed it down to someone when they graduate." Matt says as we get up to put our trays away and head to homeroom.

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