Chapter 50- Immortal Promise

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Home. That's how I feel when I return to Gracewood Academy. I feel like I am finally back to reality. Until I notice the stares. Everyone is watching me. They do realise that I am the exact same person I was before right? Okay, so I lied about my name but I am still Hope. I am still the girl who everyone saw in a towel the first night, had major fights with the schools queen bitch, had endless boy drama and started the epic snow war. I continue walking, ignoring them, to Hastings and into my dorm room. What I really should have been worried about, it what came next.

"Hope! Your back!" Jess says with a fake smile. I think it is the first time I have ever seen her smile, even if it is fake.

"Yes, I am?" I say more like a question. I look around the room. There are boxes neatly piled on my side of the room which I sent here from LA. I look up at the walls to see posters of... wait, is that me? Why am I on our wall?

"Do you like them? You look amazing in them so I thought it would be great to put them up. I mean I am rooming with a celebrity."

So that is what this is about. Now she wants to be friends with me because I am famous? What a bitch. "Sure. Look, I am tired, it has been a long flight. I am going to shower and go to bed."

"Of course. Silly me. I will leave you be. Goodnight!" she says way too enthusiastically.

"Uh... night?"

I grab my towel and head to the bathroom, switching on the shower, turning it to boiling. The hot water relaxes me as soon as I get inside, soothing my sore achy muscles from the flight. I get out, wrapping myself up in the soft towel and comb my hair, throwing it up into a messy bun, feeling too lazy to dry it. Walking over to the closet, I grab my pjs quickly changing into them. After making sure Jess is asleep I go over to one of my suitcase, I unzip the outer pocket pulling out a thick envelope. I climb into bed, turn the lamp on and pull out the script that my dad gave me. I still haven't confirmed if I am doing the film or not but my dad says they haven't found anyone that is more suited to the part than me. I need to confirm soon though. If I am going to do it. I open up the script and start to read it.

Immortal Secrets is basically about a girl, Amber, who moves to her grandmother's house after her mom passes away in a car accident. Her grandmother's house is basically a huge, old mansion where her mom grew up (and was living in, during the first movie.) One day Amber is exploring and she ends up in the attic. She discovers a bunch of old boxes that contains her mother's belongings from when she was a teenager. Amber's age. She then finds her mother's diary. She takes it back to her room and later that night she starts reading it. She learns about her mom's first love, Henry. The vampire. And their whirlwind of a romance. And how he died. Saving Victoria's (Amber's mother) life. She becomes obsessed with the idea of vampires and uses the diary as a key to find one. One night she encounter's a vampire. Only he was nothing like lovely Henry. This vampire was vicious and deadly and nearly kills Amber. Then she is saved by another vampire. Will. Who turns out to be Henry's brother. She tells Will about how her mother loved Henry and never got over his death. After multiple chance encounters the pair soon fall in love. However Will explains to Amber that they can't be together due to a vampire law that was made after Henry's death. Vampires are not allowed to be with humans. Then she discovers that her mother's death wasn't an accident but was a murder. And that a group of vampires killed her as they blamed Victoria for Henry's death. Now they wanted revenge by killing Amber too. Will has to then protect Amber from the others. They run away, going into hiding. But they are found by the vampires and a huge fight breaks out. Only this time Amber is the one who is dying. But Will saves her by turning her into a vampire. And they spend the rest of forever together.

It is an amazing story and it would be an amazing opportunity to play this part. I just don't know if it is the right choice for me. I never planned on becoming an actress. Maybe I hadn't planned on it, but was meant to be one. Like destiny, as Ben would say. I continue reading the script until I begin to fall asleep. I hide the script under my bed. I don't need to continue reading it anyway.

I have made my decision. I just hope I made the right one.


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