Chapter 33- Been Punished Enough

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Later on in the evening Anna and I head over to the dining hall for dinner. At Gracewood, every day back to school after a holiday the whole school are forced to go to the dining hall even though the food sucks. I was grateful to have Anna with me as back up if I was going to have to face everyone at once. After grabbing our food we head over to an empty table, ignoring the stares and whispers. Looks like Jess really did tell everyone about the stupid pregnancy test. I spot Matt and Ty walking in but instead of sitting with us, Tyler led them over to another table.

"So are you going to go to the party on Friday?" Anna looks at me excitedly.

"Uh, I dunno."

She frowns. "Come, on Hope. Please?" she starts begging me

I laugh at her begging. "Fine. I will go."

"Yes!" she jumps up and down in her seat.

I look sneakily over my shoulder and see that Tom, Greg, Dan, Simon and even Emily have joined Matt and Ty. This is such a mess. Our whole group is acting all divided.

My phone along with everyone else's starts to ping, beep and buzz. This is not going to be good.

Hello Classmates! We are back from Thanksgiving and I hear that there is a lot to be thankful for. I am especially thankful for the gossip that has been travelling across the school. So as a welcome back gift, here is some key pieces of information which you may not have heard about over the holidays. Fred Peters will not be joining us for the rest of the semester due to a little stunt that has resulted in him being sent to rehab. Other news is that, Fiona Thompson and Andrew Bradshaw were caught in the act in the deputy principles office. But none of those things is what you really wanted is it? No you all want to know about the rumours surrounding Hope Carter and her break up with Kyle Tyler? What has caused the schools newest golden couple to break up? Was it because Hope told Kyle about the news that he was going to be a father? Or is it because the baby may not be his? And if so, then who is the father? I will leave it to you guys to work it out. Good Luck! ;)

-GG xx

The whispering gets even louder and more obvious now. I see that some people are looking behind me and I spot Kyle leaving the dining hall. It is the first time I have seen him since the fight.

"Are you okay?" Anna looks at me concerned.

No. I wasn't. But there was one thing I could do about it. I quickly stand up much to Anna's surprise. I climb up on top of the table, now having everyone's full attention. The murmurs and whispers die down as they watch my every move.

"Excuse me! Excuse me everyone! I have something to say." The room goes dead silent. I take in a deep long shaky breath, now nervous that I have their full attention. "You guys probably want to know what the rumours are about, right?" Some people nod. "Well here is the truth." I look at Ty and my other friends watching me. "I am not pregnant! I thought I was, which is how Jess found out and told you all." Jess and her minions scowl at me from one end of the room. "But I never was. And yes, Kyle and I broke up. The truth is, I cheated on him." I hear gasps and whispers starting to increase again. "It was all my fault and I am fully to blame." I look at Ty, his eyes looking into mine. "Kyle is an amazing guy, and I was stupid to hurt him. And from hurting him, I also lost my best friend. I guess what I am trying to say is sorry. I shouldn't have lied. So that is the truth, and take it as it is. Not some distorted version from some anonymous coward. Thanks." I quickly jump down from the table and run out the dining hall.

"Hope! Wait!" I turn to see Ty chasing after me.

"What?" I say harshly.

"You didn't need to do that." He says once caught up to me in the middle of the quad.

"I know." I shrug.

"So why did you?"

"It was my fault. And everyone is hearing different rumours anyway. I just thought it would be better if everything is out in the open and knows the truth." I explain.

"I'm sorry. I was too harsh to you earlier."

"Why are you apologising? I am the one who messed up."

"Because I was mad at you for lying, but you just managed to be completely honest to the whole school. That took some guts."

"So you forgive me?" he nods and I feel relieved to have my best friend back.

"I think you have been punished enough." He winks and then pulls me into a hug.

Hugging him I realise one thing. I may have been honest about some things. But I still had a lot of secrets that I have yet to reveal. How will he and everyone react to finding out about me and Chase? Or my parents? Or my recording contract. I guess I have a lot more secrets than I thought. And I am not ready to reveal them just yet.


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