Chapter 21- The Energizer Bunny

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"Guess what, guess what, guess what?" Anna jumps up and down like the energizer bunny at lunch the next day. I don't think I have the energy to keep up with her excitement. I am still exhausted after last night's midnight swim.

I laugh at her hyperness. "What?"

"Jennifer Carter is having a concert this weekend! Wanna go?" uh oh.

"I am really sorry, but I can't go." Anna's face fell.


"Because I have to do a family thing this weekend." Technically that's not a lie.

"Damn." She frowns.

"By the way I have a friend that I would like you to meet. She doesn't have many girl friends. I can introduce you to her after school?" I say, thinking of Chloe.

"Sounds good." She smiles. I guess I am forgiven. The two of us continue to eat out lunch and chat about the latest episodes of The Vampire Diaries. It is only us two at lunch today. Most of the guys had to go to some extra football practice, Tom had to go and talk to a teacher about some project thing and Simon and Emily went off campus for lunch. Those two were unbearably loved up.

After lunch I went to art class. Tom was already sat in our usual spot in the back when I walked in.

"Hey, you." I drop into my seat.

"What's got you all perky today? Does it have something to do with a certain Kyle Tyler?" Tom pries.

I smile at the thought of Kyle. "Maybe. Is there anyone you are interested in?"

He laughs. "Nah. No one in this school is good enough for me." He jokes.

"I will find someone for you."

"No. No way! I don't do blind dates." He looks at me worried.

I laugh. "Fine." Miss Bell then walks in.

"Okay class, today we are going to move on to a new project. You will each need a partner. I will then like you to create a piece of art that represents your partner." I raise my hand. "Yes?"

"What kind of art to you mean? Like drawing, painting, sculpting?"

"Anything you wish. It can be any of those things or something different. I want you to be as creative and inventive as possible. The only rules is that it has to be a visual representative of your partner." Ugh. I suck at art almost as bad as math. Why can't we go back to drawing a bowl of fruit? "You have the rest of this week and next week's classes off to work on your project." Yes! At least we will be out of class. I give Tom a look that asks to work together and he nods. "You are all dismissed."

"If we try and finish this project quickly then we won't have to do anything next week." Tom suggests.

"Sounds good. So how do we start? I suck at all this art crap."

"Well this project as to represent each other right?" I nod. "So I need to find out what part of you I should represent and you need to do the same for me."

"Okay. But for right now, should we go and grab a drink at the café?"

"Sure." He agrees and we make our way to Café.


"So are you going to the game tomorrow night?" Chase whispers from beside me in Chemistry.

"Nah, I am leaving tomorrow morning." I sigh. I was so not looking forward to this weekend. Mom as going to drive me nuts. Not only that but I am going to miss the party tomorrow night. She had some plans for us tomorrow followed by the photoshoot tomorrow night. Then there is the interview on Saturday morning and the Concert is that night. I then make my way home on Sunday. Huh. When did I start thinking of Gracewood as home? But now that I think about it, it does feel more like home than LA ever did. I am surrounded by people I love here which I never was at home. I have experienced more love at Gracewood over the last month than I have ever had in my entire life.

Gracewood Academy (Hope and Secrets)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin