Chapter 34- Say Goodbye to Gracewood

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Today classes start again and the halls are still full of whispers about yesterday's dinner speech. I am walking along to homeroom when I feel a hand grab my arm pulling me into darkness. Or at least, a dark supply closet. I look up and see Chase's grey eyes.

"What are you doing?" I whisper at him.

"I wanted so see my girlfriend before we go to classes. I haven't seen you since yesterday."

"This whole keeping our relationship a secret is driving me nuts." I admit.

"I know. But I think it is better if people don't know for now. Especially Kyle. I think we just need to give it time for all the drama to settle down and then we can tell people."

"You're right." I sigh. "It is kind of fun though. The whole sneaking around thing."

"Yeah it is." Chase grins and then leans down to kiss me. I wrap my arms around his neck and he put his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him as our kisses get more heated. I will never get tired of his kisses. We continue to make out for a while until we here the bell go, signalling that first period is about to start. I slowly open the door and take a peak to see if the coast is clear. Once it is, we walk out into the hall and part ways to go to English Lit.

I walk into English a few minutes late and take a seat in my usual spot next to Matt in the back.

"Hey, how come you are late?" Matt whispers to me, careful not to be heard by Miss Heather.

"No reason." I look away trying to hide the blush on my cheeks from thinking about the heated make out session in the supply closet.

"So Ty told me you guys made up."

"Yeah, we did." I smile. "Thank god."

"It's nice not to have the group divided anymore. Have you spoken to Kyle?"

"Nope. I have Spanish with him later though." I groan. That will be interesting.

We stop talking and get on with our English work. Just as we start packing up our books to go, my phone starts ringing. Taking my phone out of my pocket I see that my mom is calling me. Knowing that she is only going to call me to yell at me about something or to ask for a favour, I reject her call and put my phone away.

"Who was that?" Matt asks me as we exit the classroom.

"No one important."

I head over to Spanish quickly, sitting down at my usual desk waiting for most the class to get in as I got there early. I start to get nervous waiting for Kyle to walk in. The only time I have seen him since the fight was when he walked out of the dining hall before my big speech. He finally walks into the classroom avoiding my gaze. Kyle takes the seat behind me. I debate whether or not to try to talk to him but then Mrs Rosa starts the class so I decide against it. I just wish things would back to normal. I obviously don't want to be with him. I am happy with Chase. But I miss him as a friend. We were good friends before we got together. I also hate that Kyle and Chase are not talking. And it is all my fault. I need to find a way to get them talking again.

By lunch time I have eleven missed calls from my mother and two voicemails, neither of which I have listened to. As soon as I am sat down at the usual table in the cafeteria my phone starts ringing again.

"Someone really wants to talk to you. Your phone went off three times in maths. I thought Mr Buckthorn was going to confiscate it for sure." Ty says to me.

"I think I am going to go and see what they want. I will be back in a sec guys." I leave Ty, Matt and Anna at the table and go outside to talk to mom. "Hello?" I answer.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?" My mother screams through the phone.

"What do you mean?"

"Don't play dumb, Amelia. I spoke to Joe." Joe as in Mr Evans? Chase's dad? Uh, oh.

"And what did he have to say?" I say calmly, despite my pounding heart.

"How could you not tell me you were producing an album with him?" he voice sounds aggravated.

"I didn't think it was any of your business."

"Not my business? MY BUSINESS?! You are my DAUGHTER! Of course it is MY business! I will not allow you to go through with this."

"Why not?" I say starting to feel angry now.

"Because I say so. Honey, you don't even sing. Are you doing this just to get my attention? Because you have it. Now call Joe and tell him you aren't going through with it." Of course she had to make it about her.

"No mom. Not everything is about you. I want to sing. It is what I love. I am going to finish this album. With or without your blessing."

"Oh no you won't. I am your mother and you are not eighteen. You cannot produce this album without my permission. And you cannot continue going to that school of yours without my money either."

"What are you saying?"

"Quit producing the album or I will stop paying your school fees. You can say goodbye to Gracewood."


Hey! I am alive! First year of uni is done. I have good news and bad news. Bad news is my mum is sick in hospital (not too serious) but my holiday got cancelled. Good news is that it leaves me with barely any shifts at work and a lot of free time on my hands as my boyfriend is working two jobs and my best friend is away this summer. So there should be more chapters coming soon! xxx

Gracewood Academy (Hope and Secrets)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang