Chapter 47- Becoming a Millionaire

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"Hey, guys! I am home!" I call out to the house. I put down my shopping bags in the hall when my friends walk over. So yeah, not only did I go to the bank, I also went on a mini shopping spree. I mean it is my birthday after all. I might as well treat myself. It's not like I can't afford it.

"Where have you been?" Chase looks at me confused.

"Oh, you know, just the usual. Becoming a millionaire." I say casually.

"A WHAT?" Ty looks at me shocked.

"Let's just say there was more money in that trust fund than I realised." I grin. "Now get dressed. It is my birthday so we are going out. My treat." They all get changed and I swap my outfit for a casual white strapless summer dress and some wedges. I put on a white bikini underneath.

We split between Ben's and my car, driving over to Manhattan Beach. We spend hours hanging out on the beach, sunbathing, swimming, playing Frisbee and building sandcastles.

I am lying on the sand next to Kelsi when Chase comes up to me. He was just on the phone a minute ago.

"Hey, so my dad said he is free to see us at around six." Wait, we are doing that today?

"Now?" he nods. Looking at the time, it is about half four so we gather up our stuff and head home to shower and change for the meeting with Chase's dad.

Ben drives Tom home, and Kelsi stays at the house with Ty and Matt and Chase and I drive over to Evans Records. They are based here so we head over to their building which is about a half hour drive from my house.

We are sitting in a waiting room outside his dad's office and I am starting to get really nervous. My leg is shaking uncontrollably.

"It will be fine. Calm down Hope. Just breathe." Chase whispers in my ear. I take in a deep breath and slowly breathe out. Chase grabs my hand gently stroking it with his thumb.

"Sorry I am late. Was just dealing with an issue." Mr Evans walks out of his office.

"Hey, dad."

"It's good to see you both. Now if you will follow me. We have been joined by..."

"Mom?" What is my mother doing here?

"Hello Amelia."

"What are you doing here?"

"I am on break from tour. I came straight here when I heard you had an appointment with Joe. I haven't even gone home to change yet." Good thing too, cause she would probably be in for a surprise to find my friends and empty bottles of tequila lying around.

"What do you want?" I cross my arms.

"I want you to give up on this nonsense. I already warned you." She says in a stern voice.

"You can't tell me what to do. Not anymore." I say smugly.

"Of course I can. You are my daughter." She is getting mad now.

"Your daughter who is also now legally and adult."

She grimaces. "And what about your school? Your car? Everything I provide for you."

"Keep it." I don't want anything from her.

"Amelia stop being so ridiculous. Let's go home and discuss this in private." Her eyes land on Chase.

"Anything you have to say me you can say in front of him." I walk over and grab his hand. He squeezes mine, as if to tell me that he is there for me.

"I will not allow you to do this."

"You can't stop me. So I suggest you leave. I have business to attend to." With nothing else left for her to do, she storms out the office.

It feels amazing to have finally stood up to her properly. There is nothing she can do now. But now I am homeless.

"Should we... uh... continue then?" Mr Evans asks me. I completely forgot he was here during the argument.

"Sure. Do you mind if I make a quick call?" he nods and I leave him and Chase to start the meeting.

I call Kelsi telling her the short version of what happened and to pack up some of my stuff. Mostly the irreplaceable stuff like my laptop and photos, and to take Ty and Matt to a hotel. They needed to be gone before my mother gets there. I hang up and then head back in.

"This is some excellent work you two have done." Mr Evans praises as I sit down in the seat next to Chase.

"Thanks. The album is called Evolution because it's based on how my life has changed, developed, evolved over the last few months. And how it will continue to evolve." I explain.

"Well it is remarkable. Especially for a bunch of teenagers to have produced. So this is what I suggest. We release a single, work on some promotion. Get your name out there. Once that has been done then we can perhaps release another single and then the album. We can do most of the promoting now, during the holidays so that you won't have to worry about it when you guys go back to school. So, does that sound like a plan?"

"Wow. Yeah. Thank you." I couldn't believe that this was really happening.


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