
"Something is going to happen! With the children! They...they, one of them....I, I can't." I jumbled my words around. Real tears formed on my eye. Pip sat up and looked at me. 

"Nothing's going to happen." He said in his Scottish lilt.  I shook my head. 

"Dreams never lie....well in my book." I muttered. Pippin took my shoulders and looked me in the eye. 

"Nothing. Will. Happen. Trust me." Pip tried to comfort me. I breathed and nodded. Getting up, I walked over to the cradle. Veronica and Pipamir were sleeping. I sat in a chair near the crib, thinking about the dream. I reachde into the crib and picked up Veronica. As I looked at her, i could tell that she was going to be quiet, reserved little girl. She had duller green eyes, but I could see some of her in me, along with Pippin. 

"Veronica Virgil...dear daughter." I called her name. Veronica's little eyes opened up. Her toothless grin was wide. Pure happiness and joy spreaded over me when ever I saw either of them, I would light up. It was like...they were perfect...I could not ask for anything better. I had a loving...family? I guess you could call it that. Wonderful people surronded me. Nothing could be better than this. As I sat in the chair with baby Veronica, we heard a knock at the door. 

"Come in!" Pippin announced, bouncing off the bed and to the door to open it. It was Eomer, Merry, Frodo and Sam. 

"Could you not sleep?" I asked them. 

"Well Mister Frodo and I got a good rest. Still hurt though." Sam said. Frodo nodded, still slightly sleepy. 

"I tried but couldn't." Merry sat in a chair across the room. 

"I came to see how you were doing..." Eomer told me. I smiled at him and nodded. 

"We are doing fine. Thank you though." I thanked Eomer. He nodded.

The four hobbits were talking about what they were to do when they arrived back at the Shire. Every one of them agreed that they wold go back to the Green Dragon. Sam would talk to Rosie for sure this time. Merry made a bet that Sam couldn't. I smiled and listened as the bets rose higher and higher. Eomer took a seat next to me. As Soon as he sat down, Pipamir started to cry. I tried to reach for him, but couldn't  with Veronica in my arms. 

"May I help?" Eomer asked. He seemed in a sort of trance with the children, like he had never seen one so small before. 

"Oh! Uh, yeah. Here." I carefully picked little Veronica up and placed her in Eomer's arms. Veronica instantly lit up to him. She giggled,  laughed, and pulled on his hair. I took Pipamir out of the crib and held him for a while. He was still crying, but seemed to enjoy me holding him.

"Oh Pipamir, you seem so much like you dad..." I grinned. I glanced over at Pippin. He was laughing and having fun with Frodo, Sam and Merry. Both Eomer and I sat back and cradled the children. I was so extatic. There was another knock at the door. Pippin shot up and ran to get it, but tripped over the stick that poke logs. He fell right to the door. We all laughed a little. He wedged his fingers in the door and pushed it open. Aragorn walked through. His appearance had changed completely. He was wearing royal garments. Blue and silver threading and a large cloak following. 

"Aragorn!" I piped up. "What are you doing here?" 

"It is time for me to take the throne of Gondor. And I would love it if you all would attend. For we have been through much together."  Aragorn smiled warmly at us. 

"Of course! I will!" I told him. 

"As will I." Eomer told me. 

"And all of us!" Pippin said, as he was struggling to get up from his trip. Everyone agreed that they would show up for Aragorn's acceptance to the throne. 

How I Ended Up In Middle Earth. (LOTR Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now