How I Ended Up In Middle Earth. (LOTR Fan Fic)

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This is is the story of I ended up in the fictional world of Middle Earth....... These were stories taken in my notebook that is usually a diary, but transformed into a book. 

Christmas Day: I woke up and knew that something big was going to happen. Even though I knew it was Christmas, there was something else amid in my mind. I sat up and looked at my wall. As an avid fan of Lord of The Rings, so as it would come, there were poster lining every inch of my room. Each photo or poster was a play-by-play of some of my favorite scenes. In the middle of it all was a grand collage of Frodo Baggins. He was my hero. Although, I also have to say that I fell for Frodo when I first saw his big, blue eyes and his cute face, and the curly locks that framed it. A wide smile reached across my face. I sat down at my desk and began to write in this notebook. I had decorated the front with various pictures of Frodo and the other Hobbits. Any other human that was on my notebook was Aragorn. He was a noble person, and I found that very.....attracting. So, back to the notebook. I started with: Dear Diary, I hope to receive the Lord of The Rings Motion Picture Trilogy. My love for LOTR has grown each day. I hope to one day have enough money to travel to New Zealand.... It stopped there. 
"Alice, Please!!! Come down and celebrate Christmas with us!" My mother called from downstairs. I should introduce myself. My name is...of course Alice. It's is the Scottish word for noble. My age; it is 18. A legal adult and I still have not moved out of the house. I have soft, curly hair. Blonde with brown highlights. (I have recently been begging my mother to let me color it brown.) I have a tall, hourglass figure, which most girls were very jealous at. For I was slim and hourglass. My eyes are emerald green.

I shut the diary and ran downstairs to greet my mom, dad, and little brother. (He was 16) 
"Looks like you have decided to stay a little longer that expected. Drat, that ruins my plans. I was going to turn your room into the ultimate hangout "zone". Too bad. Looks like you'll be sleeping on a couch.." Garrett said.
"Garrett!!!!! To let you know I found a little house near the loch." I told him. Then I playfully shoved Garrett into the presents. Now if you were the least bit confused about what I said; a loch is a lake that occupy some of the country of Scotland. So therefore, I live in Scotland. Sorry to leave that out in the description. 
"Now, Alice, I know that you have been very good this year and we have decided to let you open your gifts first. Here open this one." My dad handed my a long, flat gift wrapped in The One Ring wrapping paper. I tore it open, and without hesitation, screamed out of pure joy! 
"Oh! My! Gosh! No way!!!!! You got this for me! I have been watching for when it was coming out!" I pulled out a Lord Of the Rings motion picture book. Pictures of the hobbits and everything. I was happy. 
"Now, we didn't have a lot of money this year, so we were only able to get you two things. So here is your second present." My mom handed me a bulky, thick, square. I lifted it to see what it was. It didn't weigh much. "Go ahead, open it." Mom held dad's hand and they watched me. I carefully tore at the edge of the paper and began to peel back the layers of the wrapping paper. Once I was done, the only noise I could make was a squeak. Words could not explain what I saw in my hands. In a small box, three DVD holders stood. face out. I read the side of the box: Lord Of the Rings: Motion Trilogy Ex. Version. 
Mom, dad. Thank you soo much. I'm so glad I got this. I have been waiting for this forever. I don't what to say. Thank you." i went over and hugged them. My dad pulled back and said, "You should also thank your brother. he helped pay for the rest of the movies." I turned toward my brother. At times he could be horrible, but now he seemed nice.
"Thank you Garrett." He muttered something in return.

For the remainder of the time, I stared at the box set. It was wonderful. I was so happy. The only thing that could make this better was a trip to New Zealand. 
"Well, who is hungry! I made cinnamon rolls!" My mother piped up happily. All of us rose and left the trashed room and into the patio. The patio was covered with pane glass and a heater kept the room warm. The small patio looked out onto the giant Loch that took up our property. The water was calm and iced over. Snow had just fallen and it was still. Everything was silent and peaceful. But only for a second. When my mom came in with the plate of cinnamon rolls, everyone was a bustle. Scrambling to get the yummy frosting that came with the rolls. I was first to get at it. The little palette was still full, so I smeared the frosting all over, then I handed it to Garrett.
"Nice going, pig. You took most of it!" He tried to shame me, but I just stuck my tongue out at him. Neither parents noticed. Maybe they did and didn't bother to stop it. For we always had a constant bicker about the house. I turned back to the beautiful landscape. My Lord of the Rings movies were sitting lightly on my lap. I smiled again. So happy to have something of value with me. 

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