Chapter 33

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"I know. I heard of your arrival when you and Aragorn walked through that door." He strode over to me, his eyes darting all over the place. He wrung his hands. I could feel that something was on his mind, and it wasn't that he wanted to egg me on about me almost dying. 

"Yes. Yes. I survived. Isn't that a surprise?" I asked sarcastically. I took one step forward, stnading my own ground.

"Yes...very. It looks like you have gotten hurt. What happened?" Theoden paid attention to the Warg bites on my arm.

"A Warg bit me. Now I heard you wanted to talk to me. What would you like to discuss?" I asked him. He looked at me and then darted around to see if anyone was around.

"I...I never thought that I would ask you or any girl for help, but....ugh. I know that the number of forces the Uruk Hai are bringing many. After witnessing a lot of things that have happened to you. And the fortune you made about the saftey of the people...I-I-I wanted to ask if you would be willing to help with the building and setting up of the amry I will be founding?" When Theoden asked me if I could help him, I was astounded. Usually, Theoden and I would be fighting like a pack of dogs.

"Yes! Oh my--yes! I will! Of course! I'm glad you saw the potential in me." I grinned madly. Giddy with excitment on the inside, but collecting the cool outside. 

"Thank you. You may be dismissed." He shooed me away.I nodded and bounced back down the stairs and through the crowd. Wait until I told Pippin and Merry about this! Ooh they would be so proud. Legolas, Boromir, Aragorn, Gimli! They would be proud too! I hoped.

I pranced down the stairs and through the halls. Right as I was going to Pip's room, someone grabs my arm and pulled me into a dining room. 

"Hey!" I yelled. 

"Jeez you would think that someone was trying to kill you." I heard a cold and snaky voice. My blood went cold. Was it who I thought it was. 

"Grima??" I turned and yanked my arm out of the grasp of the person that had me. And it was Grima. I was petrified I thought that we had taken care of him!

"Why yes! Such a smart girl!" He tapped my on the nose. I pulled away and turned to leave, but he was still quick enough to grab my arm and hold me back. "And you aren't going anywhere!"  He grabbedme and looked me in the eye. 

"Let go! I am going to tell Theoden that you are still here! He will be very angered."  I told Grima

"You won't be going anywhere right now. You and I...we need to have a conversation." He said menacingly. Then he roughly took me and pulled me through the secret passages of Helms Deep. I was terrified. 

"Why did you come back? I thought that you would never come back after what we did. We exposed you!" I told him.

"And that's why I came back. To exact revenge." He cackled. My blood ran cold. 

"What will you do?" I asked. My life had be recently put in danger. I didn't wan to die again.

"Just something to learn about Helms Deep. I know you know things already. Even thought you were brought up in the Human World, the information from Middle Earth is embezled into your head. I am going to use that knowledge against you. And if you refuse...I'll kill your baby." He told me his intent. I was actaully scared for the first time ever. 

"Just kill me. Kill me now!" I told him. 

"And why would I do that?"

"Because...people would miss me." I said.

"Nope. I don't think so. I think...if I know you well enough, you and other would be in even more pain if you lost that poor baby. You shouldn't have treaded on my land. You have made a real enemy now." He cackled.

How I Ended Up In Middle Earth. (LOTR Fan Fic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang