Chapter 24

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As the images faded, I woke back up, slowly. I propped myself up with my elbows. Pippin, Merry and I were all cuddled up on the giant chair that was out on the balcony. I bet we looked pretty strange. Like a bunch of small puppies all curled up...but human. I still felt sleepy, my eyes ached and my back hurt from such an awkward position. Merry and Pip were still sleeping so soundly. I smiled. Then I realized something. When they go to sleep, that is the only time they get to escape this soon to be War filled world. They get to have their dreams about the Shire and whatever else they dream about.  I decided not to wake them up, let them have their dreams. It would be the best for them anyway, if they had that small strand of reality to hang on to. Then I remembered my dream or my "seeing". Frodo and Sam could actually hear me. I was their link! They helped me know what was going on. I helped them with what was going on. That felt good. It made me feel like I was important in the War of the Ring. That's what I was calling it. 

I carefully got up, not to disturb the sleeping Hobbits. I didn't feel like going back inside, for I knew that either way I was going to get caught up in some discussion whether I wanted to or not. So I decided to stay out on the balcony, and looked over the gates of Rohan and out over the vast land. The sun was beginning to set. I guess that we had slept a nice long time. I stared out and automatically began to sing a song....

"Home is behind. The World Ahead. And there are many path to tread. Through shadow. To the edge of night. Until The Stars are all alight. Mist and shadow, cloud and shade. All shall fade. All shall....fade." I rubbed my stomach and smiled. There was a very small bump. I could barely even tell. I thanked the lord that the bump was small. I didn't want anyone to know. Everyone who knew about the baby was going to let me fight if I didn't show any symptoms. And if I was small enough. I smiled contently, knowing that I would be able to fight for Middle Earth. 

"That was a nice song. Where did you learn in?" Pippin came up behind me and scared the living daylights out of me. Did he see me? What did he hear?

"Oh, umm Thank you? I don't really know. It just came to me. You know, from my head." I shrugged and played it off.

"Oh. So...There's a party tonight! Are you excited!" He jumped around me. I could tell that after going through what he had gone through, he couldn't wait for a party and a chance to drink and eat.

"Haha, yeah. I guess. Last time I drank, I almost gave away Frodo and the four of us." I sighed and looked back on that night. Right night, I just laughed at my own foolishness. Good times they were.

"Well, this time, you can drink at free will! Ohh I can't wait!" Pippin jumped up and down. He smiled and skipped around me. I laughed at him. I was glad that he was still humorous and young. I was relieved that he had not become serious in the business of War. He was far too young to be worried. He jumped around some more and then took me by the hand and tipped me over, kissing me on the mouth. For a second, I saw something, but it was a rush of images. It was Pip...and me....rainbows??? But then it went to the war, and then love and heartbreak. Blood had been spilt...someone was crying. Pip dropped me and I fell to the ground in shock. I quickly sat up. Pip had staggered from me and away to the balcony edge. I looked weak. I became frightened and got up to see if he was okay. 

"What happened?" I asked him. Holding him dear and near to me.

"I-I-I saw your eyes and then...I mind went blank. It scared me." He looked up at me, shaking. I held him in a deep hug. "What happened to you?"

"I saw You and Me. Then rainbows??? And then bloodshed, love and heartbreak..." I peered at him.

"I think, you got inside my head for a second...I think that there is more to you that Gandalf or anyone else knows. Because of your background, you may have elvish powers. Hey, what do I know." He shrugged. I thought about that for a second. Hmm....

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