Chapter 6

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"Oh!  Tall man, wizard staff, gray pointy hat. No I haven't seen him in 6 months." The man said. I watched as everyone's face fell. I knew where he was. I could not tell them though. The group all turned.

"What are we going to do?" Sam asked.

"I don't know? Let's just chill and wait for him." Frodo said...... 


So all of us walked to the bar and sat down. I knew what would happened next. Pippin would get drunk, tell some strangers that Frodo was his cousin and reveal his real name. So I pulled him aside. 

"Pippin whatever you do, do not get drunk. Someone here could...get hurt." I said. He looked at me.

"Okay. Will do. You looked better. Are you okay now?" He asked.

"Yes thank you." I hugged him. At first he was surprised and I was surprised when he hugged me back. As we parted ways, I caught Frodo's eye. He looked at me and then turned away. What am I doing? Sad, I sulked over to the bar.

"What's the strongest thing you have?" I asked the bartender. He looked at me.

"uhhh....We have Barliman's Best. I guess that's what your looking for. Aren't you a bit...small to be having such a small drink?" he asked.

"NO! May I have of pint please?" I asked for the largest drink size.

"Okay. Suit yourself." He filled up the large glass and put it in front of me. I almost fainted when I saw the actual size. In the movie it looked pretty big, but in real life, it was ginormous!!!! I took it up and began to drink it. Aw Hell! This stuff was good! Soon I began to drink more and more. After 3 rounds of pints, I began to make a fool of myself.

"I was like....where the hell am i? And then I met this one guy and he proposed to me. We had just met I was like JEEZ. A bit quick. Do you want to know who he is? His name is-" I was cut off when I hand took me and dragged me across the pub. I was dragged up a couple stairs and into a room.

"You draw far too much attention to yourself." He said.

"What do you want. I was just having some fun."

"A little more caution from you. I have never seen someone so....outrageous like this before." He went over to the side windows and put out each candle with his fingers. Then he drew back his hood. Aragorn...I should have known. I was shaking now. He was pretty dangerous. He could kill me with a napkin if he wanted to. 

"I'm so-so sorry sir." I backed away. Just then the door rattled. It swung open. Pippin and Frodo were up front and center. Pippin had a chair, Frodo had his fists out. Merry and Sam were in the back. Merry had a candle holder and Sam had one of his gardening shovels.

"Leave her alone or- or- I'll....I'll hit ya!" Pippin cried out.

"You have a stout heart. But you shouldn't be afraid of me. You should fear what hunts you all. Come with me." He told us. HE walked out of the room and we all followed. We followed him to a new room where there were already.....2 beds set up. I was the first to notice.

"Ara--Strider, why are there only 2 beds?" I said as I corrected myself.

"I am not sure. Will that be a problem?" He asked. Obviously, he did not notice the gender ratio here.

"YES! I am the only girl here and...well I seem to like to have my" I said. This was my brain telling myself that I was still pure and innocent.

"Sorry, but you'll have to bunk with one of them." He said. I sighed. Who would want to bunk with me? Oh right!!! No one. I was sad. I knew that Pippin would befriend me, but taking it this far as to bunk Frodo hated me, Sam...he still has his guesses about me. Merry, I don't even know.

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