Chapter 8

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As the time went by, Merry began to drop back. Every often or so, he would look up at the sky, shake his head, looks straight ahead , and then look back up again. When he finally reached Sam, Pippin and I, I got the chance to ask him what he was doing.

"Merry, what in earth are you doing? What's in the sky?" I asked. 

"Shhh. They'll hear you..." He looked all around. I looked up at the trees. I saw nothing.

"Merry, are you okay? I don't see a thing." Then Sam and Pippin looked up. They were aghast with what they saw.

"You don't see those?" Pippin whispered. He moved closer to me.

"I don't see a thing. What is every one talking about!!" I yelled.

"Shh. They'll hear you-too late." Merry dropped off. 

"What is it!?" 

"The Crebain." Sam said. 


I knew what the Crebain were. They were crow like birds that were servants for Saruman. But why coudn't I see them?

"Run and hide!!! Where ever you can!" Merry cried out. Aragorn looked up and instantly let go of Bill. Sam cried out and grabbed Bill and hid him with Frodo.

"I can't see them! What am I supposed to do?" I turned in circles, helpless. Pippin took my hand.

"Come on, we have to run somewhere safe. The Crebain are very fast and will take no chances, and kill us." We ran to a small rock that was propped up only by large tree branches. It was a small space to fit in, but we managed. 

"How long do we have to wait?" I asked.

"Hopefully not long. Depends. But to pass the time....I found this, while shuffling around in the Prancing Pony Inn. I recognized it as a Shawl Of Lightness." Pippin pulled out a long blue shawl. It was fringed at the edges. I tried to remember what the Shawl of Lightness was. Didn't it bring light upon hard times? No.....maybe it was some kind of transforming cloak. I wondered. 

"Hopefully this wasn't a witches. There may be a curse on this." I thought out loud.

"Don't worry. I wore it. Nothing's wrong with me." He said as he pointed to himself. Then to carefully took the shawl and wrapped it around his own head. "See nothing wrong." He pointed out. I couldn't help but laugh. A lot. But there is a time to laugh a lot or not laugh at all. That was a do not laugh at all moment. Pippin reached over and quickly covered my mouth. He signalled for me to be quiet. Then he slowly let go of me. I scooted closer to look out of the rock. The black birds circled and stayed for a while. I turned to talk to Pippin his was also keeping a watchful eye over the birds. I looked at him, for we were very close. He stopped and looked at me. He smiled slightly, and that caused me to smile. I looked deeply into his eyes and saw his youth and innocence. I knew deep down that he missed the Shire. So did I. Even though I had not spent at least a weeks time in the Shire, it felt like home. A home that might be destroyed. I could changed that. But then, I came out of Pippin's eyes and I slowly leaned in towards him. I closed my eyes and.....

"Pip! Ali! Come on! The Crebain are gone." Merry kneeled down to the ground where we had been. My heart sank a little.

"Oh...okay." Pippin sighed also. I got on my hands and knees and struggled out. But my shawl got caught on a loose branch. Pippin noticed and helped me. When we crawled out, Aragorn was standing before us.

"What were those?" Aragorn asked. Then he turned to me and asked, "and why couldn't you see them? They were in plain sight the whole time." He wandered around me, circling me like a hawk.

How I Ended Up In Middle Earth. (LOTR Fan Fic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें