Ch. 55 - The Magazine

Start from the beginning

"Aish this girl.", Suga grabs her head before she could swing back and kisses her lips. Spider-Man kiss, that is.

The girl's face turned pink to red and began to struggle on her legs' grip on the bars. One by one, her legs let go of the bar, falling onto Suga. "Ya know, I can't have you breaking my bones when my drama slash gala is tomorrow night.", she giggles.

"Well, you got hours to prepare. Maybe hide a plank underneath your pants or something.", Suga smirks and helped the two of them get up. He dusts off Eun-ha and wraps his arms around her shoulders. "I thought strong woman Rha Eun-ha can take a little fall."

"I'm gonna shut you up myself in a minute if you can't do it.", Eun-ha rolls her eyes and goes along with his little act. She slides one arm around his waist and guides him out of the playground. "It's getting late. I gotta make phone calls to the boys."

"They'll be fine. Bet they're home right now. It's been a while after all. Considering Nam-joon's with them, they SHOULD be home.", said Suga.

"Alright hyung.", Eun-ha innocently smiles and then pushes him away. "Race you home then!", she began sprinting out of the playground.

Suga smirks and gets up. "She is sooooo dead."

The next morning, Jun and Hyo-rin wasted no time preparing. Well, the fashion queen for the most part. Feel bad for the boyfriend in advance.

"Get the heels babe. Oh, and the lipstick bag's in my purse. Third pocket inside. Girl, raise your face!", Hyo-rin was twirling the mascara brush while tilting Eun-ha's head up.

Jun nods, not even going to bother arguing with his girlfriend.

BTS were watching the whole thing. And the seven of them had different reactions to the whole situation. Eun-ha was getting prepared by Hyo-rin for the drama dinner they had to go to for promotions and introductions.

"How is he dealing with her?", Jungkook rests his elbows on the counter, eating steamed egg and rice made by Jin.

Same for Tae-hyung who was eating the same thing. "Dunno. Same question for Eun-ha's side. How is she dealing with our possessive and stuck-up hyung?", he mumbled.

"Huh. Those childhood friends had it rough then.", Jin appears next to Tae-hyung and takes a spoonful of rice fed by Tae. "Like monkey-see monkey-do but the irony is the other way around.", he slumps his shoulders on the counter and chews.

"Listen here petit garçons, Jun may have liked her first but I will work my butt off to take over his heart alright!", she dramatically puts her hand on her forehead. "What can a femme amoureuse do in this situation? Not give up of course! Jun-oppa, give me the bright red shade with the black and gold lid in there. Eun-ha needs to lighten up her look!"

Jun sighs and does what he is told. "Hyo-rin's not that bad.", he said even with Hyo-rin there. He moves from bag to bag and continued passing his girlfriend's magic tools. "I know I was in loved with Eun-ha since freshmen year and Hyo-rin's a LOT different than her, I don't mind her being bossy. In fact, I find it- fun?"

"Oh shut it you two.", Eun-ha complains but gets her mouth zipped by the Gorilla Lady.

Nam-joon, J-Hope and Suga's jaws slightly dropped while they were having their coffee.

"Aw oppa! I'll make sure to give you something— charmant later. But first, Eun-ha's dress. It's in the suitcase mon amour.", Hyo-rin begins to apply lipstick on Eun-ha.

"A DRESS?! Have you gone nuts Hyo-rin? No way! Last time I wore a skirt was in senior year of high school! I told myself I was never EVER gonna wear one after graduation LET ALONE A DRESS!", Eun-ha shouted and squirmed on her seat.

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