❀When He Watches You Perform ❀

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Ahhh yes, whether it be music, dance, theatre, etc, I absolutely love and appreciate any type of performing art. All my life it has been confirmed that I CAN'T PLAY A SPORT TO SAVE MY LIFE, haha no wonder why I picked up an instrument instead of a ball. I have never been any good at any sport, maybe that's why I became a performer instead. All of my performing arts readers, please make yourself known in the comments below!
~I myself, used to dance ballet really briefly and competitively play piano and I've been playing flute for over 5 years and perform in my high school's Marching Band.

Haru ~singing / School Idol
~Haru absolutely loved the sound of your voice, especially when you sang.
He'd happily listen by the door as you sang in the shower and even when you were just singing for fun. He was also really amazed by how you were the Choir Vice President and the lead singer of your School Idol! group as he was the Swim Club Vice President. To him, it was fun dating such a great singer/ amazing school idol. Haru would immediately buy all of your merch no matter the cost and made sure that he came to every performance to support you. He did pay extra, undivided attention to you whenever you had a solo and always congratulated you and praised you for it. Haru never fails to make sure you know how much he supports you and how proud he his of you. He is your biggest fan and would love to challenge anyone who thinks otherwise. And when you are not singing as a performance, you can easily beat and destroy anyone that dares to go against you at karaoke.

Makoto ~theatre
Makoto is such a Mom when it comes to their s/o's performances.
~He takes soooo many pictures.
~He records your entire performance
Makoto would always be the first person to buy a ticket from the drama club for an upcoming play/musical. As the Swim Club President, He was intrigued when he found out about your title as Drama Club President. He'd be such a mom and even help you with your costumes and even help you memorize your lines. He just doesn't make sure he makes it to your performances, he comes and even sits with your parents and siblings and they all fawn over you and fangirl in the audience together. Despite how embarrassing it is, you appreciate it nonetheless. Makoto has got to be the most supportive boyfriend ever, he'll do anything to help any fundraiser for the drama club.
After every show, he'd surprise you with signature bright red roses and compliment you no matter what.
Makoto never fails to make sure you know how much he supports you and how proud he his of you. He is your biggest fan and would love to challenge anyone who thinks otherwise.

Nagisa ~Marching Band // Ballroon Dancing
^get you a girl who can do both ^_−
~He was so hooked the moment he found out he was dating such a talented performer. He'd attend every home field marching band field show and made sure to wish you good luck before every performance, either personally or through a sweet and cute text if he couldn't be there physically. He really admired how cool your uniforms looked and was sure to get a lot of pictures of you performing and with you after you finished performing.
When it wasn't marching season, you also participated in competitions be ballroom dancing. He was blown away by how hot you looked in every dress and how well you could do you makeup , however he was always jealous of your partners and begged you to teach him. This cutie even makes posters that say cute messages along the lines of "Go (Y/N)!" And decorate them so flashy and all cute. Nagisa never fails to make sure you know how much he supports you and how proud he his of you. He is your biggest fan and would love to challenge anyone who thinks otherwise.

Rei ~Piano 
Keeping it classic with my piano aesthetic~
Just another thing to add to the list of things he adores about you.
Get ready for Your Lie In April vibes ❀
Having such an amazingly beautiful musical talent is what had drawn Rei to you in the first place. You were devoted to Piano just as much as Rei was devoted to his butterfly swim stroke, if not more. It was harder to take you away from the piano than to take Haru out of the pool. Rei would often go to or stay at your house late enough to make sure you didn't forget to eat and sleep well and not stay up all night just practicing piano. Rei loved your playing and would attend every since performance, recital, concert, and competition you were performing in. Rei being the gentleman that he is would always kiss your hand before every piano performance and would greet you with a kiss on the lips and a loving hug after every performance. He would make sure that he got close, front row seats to any of your performances and would always surprise you with a stunning bouquet of flowers at every performance and shower you in praises. Rei never fails to make sure you know how much he supports you and how proud he his of you. He is your biggest fan and would love to challenge & debate anyone who thinks otherwise. In both of your free times, Rei would desperately beg you to teach him.

Rin ~ballet
~Rin was always in absolute awe every time he watched your performances and even practices if he wasn't busy with his own swim practices. He was amazed at how you were able to gracefully move and control your body and you beautifully moved and danced across the stage as the head ballerina. You proudly moved your body with such grace and poise, making you look like the loveliest and most delicate little flower to the brash shark. He was always so careful around you after the first time he watched you perform because of how delicate and fragile you looked on stage as you would move with such grace on stage, on pointe. He would always send you off with a hug and a kiss on the cheek, careful not to ruin you makeup before you were up to perform. After every performance, we were always greeted by a smiling Rin holding a cute bouquet of your (favorite color) roses. Rin never fails to make sure you know how much he supports you and how proud he his of you. He is your biggest fan and would love to challenge anyone who thinks otherwise.

Sousuke ~violin
~As such a busy student, you also played the violin too. Sousuke would often offer to carry your school items for you, but you felt bad for him since you were concerned about his bad shoulder, so you just handed him your violin case instead, which was lighter than all of your binders and textbooks; despite how he insisted on how he'd much rather carry those. He is always willing to help you record yourself practice and Sousuke would always follow up on your concert schedule and make sure that he attends every one, even asking to buy a ticket in advance from you. He always wishes you good luck and kisses you on the forehead before an audition, a performance, a concert, and especially a solo. He hangs onto every single note during every one of your starring starring solos and at the end of every performance, he runs backstage to greet you with a giant love hug ♡ Sousuke never fails to make sure you know how much he supports you and how proud he his of you. He is your biggest fan and would love to challenge anyone who thinks otherwise, he'll do anything to support any fundraiser for your music program.

ⓕⓞⓛⓛⓞⓦ ⓜⓔ    (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
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