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Frisk was drawing as Chara was drinking their Starbucks still. Geno and Reaper were talking about what they would name the child if it was a male or a female and what type of person they would be.

Frisk was sketching a human, not just a random human. It was Chara.  Chara wasn't paying attention on Frisk nor the couple. Instead they were lost in their mind. Looking around they notice the room, the three couches, a TV, a coffee table, pencil, paper, a shelf filled with books.


After a while Ink concluded that maybe the world that made UnderTale like this was AfterTale. Reboot just him and agreed while Eraser just stared at Ink plainly.

"Arty! I think I figure out who glitched UnderTale!" Ink chirped as he walked towards the teenager.

"And..who is it?"

"It's AfterTale!"

"So.. Geno?" Arty question.

"Mhm." Ink hum, "now we need to figure out how to fix the codes."

"Let me handle that job alright?" Arty asked Ink, hoping that Ink says okay and not that she's too immature to do so.

"No! Absolutely not Art! You're going to ruin it more than it is." Ink argue.

Arty let out a sigh of frustration, why doesn't he trust her with a task like that? She's very skillful in codes since she's rebuilding her world all over again. Then again Ink doesn't know what she does and thinks that she laze about in UnderFell.


Frisk showed Reaper and Geno their drawing.

"That's a good portrait of Chara." Reaper comment on the artwork.

' Thanks! ' Frisk signed.

Chara had finish drinking their drink and looks over at Frisk, Geno, and Reaper. Their mind full on thoughts, especially on the child Geno will have with Reaper. They just wonder a lot apparently but hey it's better to wonder than letting yourself go carefree to the ditch of death.


Ahhhhh! I'm sorry it's short!!! It's that my phone got fucked up and I got this new one that I'm still learning how to use!

And it's late over here so Night!

Why Do YOU Care (Reaper x Geno)Where stories live. Discover now