Chara Is Trying Starbucks For The First Time

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Geno spent his time chatting with Frisk and Chara about well the usual conversation; life. Reaper haven't came yet maybe because Starbucks is busy or he's doing something else.

Geno didn't mind it though, since Reaper is the god of the death. Wait, will their child be immortal or mortal?? Great now the questions is getting to Geno.


Reaper looks at the cashier who gave him the order. He thanked the employee as he left, carrying the four. He teleported himself to the save screen and enter Geno's home.

When he appeared in the living room, Frisk took noticed as they went towards Reaper. ' Can I have my drink??' Frisk sign as Reaper nod, handing the drink to them.

"Give this one to Chara." Reaper spoke as he headed Frisk the drink that was for Chara. Frisk smile as they took the two drink and place them down for them and Chara to drink.

"What's this?" Chara asked.

"Starbucks! A coffee place that sells delicious drinks!!" Reaper exclaimed as Frisk nods.

"That's what he says." Geno said as Reaper glare at him.

"It's ture!"

"I mean in your book it is."

"Geno, I bet everyone love Starbucks as much as I do."

"And I bet no one will name their kid, Starbucks." Geno pointed out.


Arty was chatting with Classic, "When will we go back to our home?" He asked.

"I'm not sure, possibly in some months?"

"Months!!?!?" Classic exclaimed, "no no no no no no no no no no no no, it can't take months to go back home!!"

"I'm not a fortune teller of the future, I'm just guessing." Arty shrugs, "besides if you do get your home back to normal, you can return to your normal life. Unlike me, I can't go back home home isn't there."

"What do you mean it isn't there?" Classic asked.

"It's not the same when I first lived there. It's different and I can't seem to know it as my home. Maybe that's why I tend to live in UnderFell." Arty looks up at the 'sky' before at Sans. "Hey you want me to ask Reboot, Eraser, and Ink on what they're gonna do?"

"Yeah that'll be nice." Classic spoke as Arty nods and left.

Reaper kiss Geno's template as he sat down next to him. "I Wuv you."

Geno rolled his pinprick, "I Wuv you top, Reaper."

Frisk just pull out their phone and texted Sci their mind full of predictions in the future. Especially if they're going to be a babysitter!

Chara drank their drink a bit as they smile, " This is good!" They chirped as Reaper and Frisk smile.

"That's a good thing that you liked it, welcome to the dark side." Reaper spoke as Chara looks at him.

"So I'm evil?"

"Nah, you're probably going to be addicted to Starbucks."

"Like you?" Chara asked.


"Yes." Geno answered that for his lover.

The fou- five of them spent their time talking and thinking about their life that is coming quickly. And with a child coming soon, they needed to be ready to raise the kid because who knows that powers the child might hold. Who knows..

Well Frisk might know-

End of chapter cuz I wanna sleep ^∆^ night.

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