The Secrets of the Unknown... Are No Longer Secrets! 9

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Chapter 9

<---Drew POV--->

"So what is it going to be? Are you going to let me in or not" I asked impatiently.

"Not, there's nothing that you can say that we would be interested in." The husband said.

"Oh, then I guess the safety of your daughter would not interest you either?"

That seemed to get their attention. "What are you talking about?" The husband asked, as he pulled out a rifle from behind his back and pointed it directly at me.

"Woah, I'm just the messeger. I just wanted to warn you about another vampire that wants to do your daughter harm."

"And why are you so concerned? You're just like the rest of those horrible creatures, attacking humans for your own sick pleasure."

"No, No, No. You have me wrong. I would never hurt a human, that is why I came here personally to warn you."

"That's a load of crap. I don't trust your kind."

I was actually a little offended. "Look, I could be doing something else. So if you don't care about your daughter's life; why should I?"

I turned around and began to walk away, counting the seconds before they gave in. "1..2...-"

"Wait-" The wife called from behind me.

"Becca, he's dangerous and I bet a liar."

"Donald, he could be telling the truth. At least hear him out."

There was a long silence followed by a sigh. "You can come in, but if you try something I won't hesitate to kill you" The husband threatened.

I could tell that they were more scared of me than I was of them. That's the one thing about fear, the predator can always smell it on the prey. I grinned and walked pass them into the house. They made sure to stay behind me as I walked, I didn't care it gave me time to use my senses to feel around the house. Sadly, I couldn't sense the girl in the house. Although, it was my plan for her to be home; I will just have to work out something else. We took a seat in the living room, I could feel the tension in the air as we sat silently, waiting for someone to speak.

"So what is this about." The husband asked, still holding the gun to his side. He was naive to think that I wouldn't be able to grab it before he shot, but I let him think it.

"Well, I have heard from a very reliable source that your daughter is currently dating a vampire. Who I hear has already turned her partially into a vampire."

The woman let out a gasp, while her eyes filled with tears. "That's impossible. There's no way that she can tranform into one of you creatures."

"My sources haven't been wrong so far. Anyway, that's all I needed to say."

I stood up from the sofa, ready to leave.

"Wait, who is the vampire you told us about?" The woman asked before I could leave.

"Oh, I think he goes by the name Elijah. Well, I really must go; I hope this information was helpful. I'll see myself out."

The couple was speechless as they watched me leave. I couldn't help but smile at the fact that I put that much panic in them. I can't wait to see how this turns out, I thought as I got in my car and drove away.

<---Cameron POV--->

"Come on..." I muttered as I watched the minute hand on the clock sluggishly move towards the three. I had waited anxiously for eight hours to be joined with Elijah again.

The Secrets of the Unknown...Are No Longer Secrets! ON HOLDOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant