The Secrets of the Unknown... Are No Longer Secrets! 2

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Here's Chapter 2. Enjoy reading it and remember COMMENT, COMMENT, COMMENT AND VOTE, VOTE, VOTE!!!!!

Chapter 2: The unexplainable.

The weekend came faster than I had hoped for. I decided to wear a pair of nice black jeans and a white spaghetti strap shirt, I threw my dark brown hair up into a ponytail and dusted off my black sneakers.

I grabbed a coat and then let my parents know I was leaving, before I started my long walk up to the beginning of my road to meet Ramona and everyone else. I thought it would be best if my parents didn't see the boys in the car. By the time I made it to the top of the road the sun had gone down; only a little light shown on the dirt road that I was walking on.

"Hey, over here." Ramona called waving wildly from Jason's car.

"Hey." I said, waving nervously at everyone in the car.

"Hey, let me introduce everyone. Well, you know my baby Jason and this is Victor Coin. Everyone, this is my friend Cameron Thatcher." She said, smiling ear to ear.

"So where are we going?" I asked breaking the silence that had fell over the car as we drove.

"We were going to hang out at the Millers park for a while, you cool with that?" Jason saids as we pulled into the parking lot.

We got out of the car and walked to the picnic areas. The whole picnic area was illuminated by streetlights place strategically across the whole park. Jason and Ramona took the table in the farther corner of the park and me and Victor took the one closest to the car; mainly because I insisted.

"So... what do you like to do for fun." Victor asked as we sat down on the picnic table.

I wasn't exactly sure what I was supposed to say."I like to read and I go running a lot."

"Oh, that sounds boring. Don't you like to go shopping and other girl stuff that's fun." He said, sliding closer to me.

"That is fun, you should try it sometimes." I replied giving him my best polite smile.

I began to get tense, the air was growing chilly and frankly I wanted to go home. I stuck my hands in my pockets and listened to the owls that had began to hoot out in the distant forest that surrounded us. "I wonder what Mona and Jason are doing?" I said, starting what I didn't mean to be a new conversation.

He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer."Something we should be doing."

"Umm, no thank you!" I quickly removed his hand and slid back to my respective spot on the top of the table.

I noticed he was now looking at me as if he was undressing me with his eyes."You know you really do have a nice body. If you wore a little make up, did your hair, and covered that weird tattoo; you would be really hot."

I guess he meant it as a compliment, but I just took it as a way to say you look like an ugly duck. I gave him a smile and turned away, biting my tongue before I let something just as unpleasant slip out.

He put his arm back around me and started blowing into my ear; I was getting more and more annoyed. I swatted at him like a fly that was buzzing annoyingly near my ear. Apparently he didn't get the message, because he then proceeded to playfully curl his fingers in a strand of my hair that had managed to fall loose from my ponytail.

"Do girls actually fall for this?" I asked.

"Yea, they also love it when I do this. He pulled back my hair and leaned in and kissed my neck.

As soon as his lips made contact with my skin, I flinched away disgusted that he had actually tried something so lame.

"Don't, you know you like it." He slid in closer and continued his pursuit to arouse me; I continued to slide away.

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