The Secrets of the Unknown... Are No Longer Secrets! 8

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Chapter 8

<--Drew POV-->

I looked down at the two fangs in my hands, confused as to who's they were and as to why he just flipped out.

--Ring Ring---

I threw down the teeth and picked up my phone, the voice of someone screaming caught me off guard.

"Who is this?" I asked, unable to understand what they were saying.

"Its me, Scott."

I stared confused as to why he was calling me. It had been months since the last time I talked to him. Scott was one of the guys that I hung out with at the pool hall. He was short and skinny with bright red hair and freckles. My father didn't like me hanging out with him, because of the work him and his friends chose to do. Which mostly consisted of anything illegal, as long as the price was right.

"What's wrong? Seeing that he had went back to screaming.

"He killed him, he freakin killed him."

I was really confused now. "Calm down. Who killed who?"

"He killed Raoul. Look we didn't sign up for this."

It took a minute for me to recall who Raoul was. Then I remembered, he was considered as one of the muscles of Scott's group. He was tall with dark black hair, grey eyes and a muscular build. I remembered him being the strongest of his three brothers; they all are in Scott's group.

"Who killed him?"

"Your brother. He pulled out his teeth and- its just horrible. This was supposed to be a simple job." I heard Scott break down into tears.

I stared at the teeth I had thrown down, angrily.

"What were you two doing and who commissioned you to do it?" I growled.

"We were supposed to grab some girl. You should know who commissioned us, it was you; well your fiance."

I was seriously confused at the moment. "I'll be over soon."

"Okay, but I don't know how long I will be able to keep Raoul's brothers from tearing your brother apart."

"Why stop them." I said, before hanging up.

What was Kendall thinking, I thought as I grabbed the teeth and stuffed them into my pocket and then went out to my car. I drove over to the hotel she was staying in full of rage. I can't believe she would try something so stupid. I knew better than anyone that getting to that girl would not be that easy. My brother seemed more than devoted to her, so under estimating him would be a big mistake.

I knocked on her door and was greeted by her sweet cheerful face. When she saw I wasn't smiling her facial expression quickly changed.

"What's wrong?" She asked taking my hand and leading me into the living room.

"You know what's wrong. What did you do?"

"I didn't do anything." She said looking innocent.

"You paid Scott and Raoul, to kidnap Eli's girl."

She no longer looked like the innocent girl she had been when I walked in. "So."

I stared astonish at how she said it without any emotion. "What do you mean, so?

"It's going to have to happen eventually. So why wait?"

"What are you talking about?"

"We need her out of the way, if were going to become the head of the family. I don't know if you realized it yet, but her very existence is going to cause a problem."

The Secrets of the Unknown...Are No Longer Secrets! ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now