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Jimin turned around hoping to see Jungkook but he was met with the same boy he met earlier who scolded him for making a pretty boy cry.

"Hey you! I told you you're gonna regret. You deserve it. You made that poor boy cry."

He said as he looked at him with lazy eyes.

"You-You saw him? But I...How?"

"Jimin-ssi I can see ghosts but that's beside the point. Why are you crying now? You're the one who hurt him and threw him away earlier."

Jimin's eyes watered again thinking about what happened earlier.

"Please help me, please I want to see him..."

"I can help you but I won't. Why should I? You hurt him because of your stupidity can you justify that? Do you have a fucking excuse for that? Do you know how hurt he was When he was alive and after he died? AND YOU KEPT HATING HIM LIKE THE STUBBORN IDIOT YOU ARE!"


"Do you know how hard it is to watch the person you love hating you? You don't! Why should I help a idiot like yo-"

"I never stopped"


"I never stopped loving him, not even once. When he left me I kept telling myself that he'll come back , I kept telling myself that he still love me. It hurt so much. I had no choice than telling myself that I hate him. Whenever I did that, whenever I blamed him for leaving me my pain eased. I feel guilty. I feel so dumb. At least let me see him to apologize, to tell him that I don't hate him anymore and I never did, to tell him that I love him. I just wanted to stop hurting, that's why I did that. Please believe me I love him ! Please, I want to see him once."

"Are you telling the truth?"

"Yes! I'm telling you the truth. Believe me, please help me to see my Kookie."

"Okay if you're telling me the truth,I think I can help you"

"If you want to see him You need to go to the place where you think your best memory is."

"My best memory?"

"Yap your best memory with Jungkook!"

"I can see him if I go there?"

"Yes, but it has to be his best memory too."


"It means he also should think that place as his best memory."

"Thank you! Thank you so much Hyung."

Jimin said as he turned around to leave.

"one more thing, who are you?"

"You'll get to know that later if that's written in your fate, but for now...."



Here you go radhikagautam2001 😘😘😘😘 don't die from curiosity💖💖💖

I'm back (Jikook) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora