That one day

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"Hyung why did he do that? Why? He could've just tell me, I could've help him. Why did he choose to suffer alone?"

"He wanted you to be happy Jimin-ah, he wanted to be the only one who suffers."

"But it was him going through everything, it was him who broke everyday, it was him....I didn't even try to find out. Hyung don't know how badly I treated him because I thought he is hurting me...."

"You think if he told you the truth things would've changed? No Jimin-ah."

"Just imagine,

one day you wakes up to see Jungkook crying so hard in pain and only thing you could possibly do is to watch him."

"One day you wakes up to realize that Jungkook no longer remembers you, you will kiss him but he'll push you away?"

"One day the first thing you'll have to do is to check if he was still alive? "

"And one day he'll finally leave you, he'll die right in front of your eyes, he'll die in your arms, he'll die in your embrace."

With that said an unbearable pain ran through his body and his legs weakened.

"Can you even imagine that one day Jimin-ah? Just my words are eating you alive right? You wouldn't be able get through that."

"I was a stranger who knew nothing about him but even I felt horrible to see him like that."

"He knew you'll get hurt if you knew the truth. That's why he decided not to tell you anything."

"He just wanted to avoid that one day..."


Love ya😘😘😘😘😘
I have a question ! Do you guys hate me?
Just wanted to know cuz I feel like people hate me and nobody loves me and I'm kinda sad 😿

Anyways I love you guys 💖

I'm back (Jikook) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin