"But..you said." I muttered. 

"Forget what I said. hold on." He pleaded. Pippin peeked over my shouler.

"What are you all talking about?" he asked. I had almost forget he was behind me. 

"Nothing. Just war plans...nothing you should be worried about Peregrin Took." Gandalf said sternly. Pip nodded and looked around, stressed. We all were. If we weren't quick enough, Faramir could lose his life. Each passing moment seemed longer and longer. Time was slowing to a stop. I was afraid that if the time stopped then Faramir would be lost forever. 

It was about time when we made it to the top of Minas Tirith! Pippin talked Gandalf through the steps of getting to Faramir and Denethor. We trotted to the last stretch when we were stopped. From up in the sky, a loud screech echoed loudly. A sting went through my body and i instantly covered my ears to the loud noise. I looked up to the sky and saw a fell beast. Like a dragon but much more dangerous and louder. They carried death with them, most likely known as the Nazgul. The screeching beast slowly declined and landed before us, shaking the ground. It's wings as dark as night with bright red veins that shined through. A fould smell emitted from the creature. It's long neack stretched out wavering back and forth, looking at what it's rider had brought it upon. The tail of the fell beast waved around, smashing and crushing everything near it. Gandalf and I spotted the rider on its back. The Witch King. 

"Go back to the abyss. Fall back into nothingless that awaits you and your master!" Gandalf said. 

"Do you not know death when you see it, old man? This is my hour." The Witch King screeched and pulled out a dark long sword. It had jagged edges, already dripping with blood. Gandalf pulled out his staff. As Gandalf aimed it at The Witch King, the staff began to light up, alomst like fire, blazing it's brightest light, until the staff broke in two and all of us when flying off of the horse. I landed hard on my side, still in pain from the false labor. I cringed. Pippin stood up and grabbed his own sword and ran at the fell beast, but it screeched loudly, making all of us deaf. Pippin scurried back to me. The Witch King and his fell beast came towards us. Advancing, slowly, so our fear would build each step it took. There was no escaping the beast was too fast and the Witch King too smart. I cringed as it walked closer and closer to us, teasing us about our death.  I closed my eyes and waited...for a long time. Horns sounded and I heard a flap of giant wings as the fell beast took off. i opened my eyes and looked up. THey were gone.

"Come on! We must reach Faramir!" pippin said, getting back up. I struggled, becoming weak, it was almost impossible for me to get up. Gandalf and Pip had to help me. I knew that I was becoming to weak for this. As I straddled the horse, I looked over the horizon of the field and saw a group of riders.

"Rohan...they've...they've made it..." I smiled weakly. Pip and Gandalf turned their heads to where I was looking. 

"Then we have a chance." Gandalf said. 

"You mean we never had a chance to begin with?" Pippin asked. 

"Yes, Peregrin." Gandalf said as he and Pippin mounted. And we were off. 

It really didn't take a long time for us to reach Faramir and Denethor. But we were worried...the doors were closed. And Locked. There was no visible way to get in. 

"Hold on." Gandalf said.

"What?" Pip and I asked, but it came too late when Shadowfax reared up and kicked open the doors. I gripped the horse and Pippin to make sure I did not fall. The horse entered just in time. The guards were just about to light ablaze both Denethor and Faramir.

"Stay this madness!" Gandalf yelled. The guards froze. Gandalf trotted over, but Denethor knew he had been caught, so he stole one of the torches from the hands of the guards.

How I Ended Up In Middle Earth. (LOTR Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now