Chapter 170-Summer Fades to Fall

Start from the beginning

"Kill My Path" 

He had a long halberd weapon which ended in a sharp point like a dragon's fang. He had an imposing aura and even overshadowed the Serpent King! This was the Gu Lang the Black King!

Despite his impressive entourage, it was the Mortal King who spoke first addressing the beautiful warrior Goddess in front of him,

"You cannot escape Goddess of Slaughter. I have a proposal for you. Come with us, willingly. Swear an oath to the Hells and set down your blade. Surrender your secrets to the Hells and we will not treat you poorly. Isn't that better than dying here and having the Dao stripped piece by piece from your body?" The Mortal King was persuasive. His voice was rising and falling with the tone of a diplomat. Mei seemed to be considering it. She locked eyes with Lineir down below.

"Come with  you huh? And if I say yes? What about my disciple? What will become of him?" She entertained their offer. The Mortal King smiled as he felt a chance of success! Perhaps she would really agree to save her disciple?

"Naturally he too will have to serve. But he will remain under your tutelage with some restrictions. Come, it is a good deal yes? Both your lives for mere service, it would be such a pity if you both died here today, a terrible waste." He said as if he truly cared for their lives.

Mei hovered in the air. Her beautiful form was still as she closed her eyes. When they opened something had changed. A stirring came in the air, imperceptibly to the three Kings. However, Mei knew what it meant and breathed deeply, looking directly at Lineir once more. Lineir had only rarely seen Mei's mental image before but he knew from his many years with her and his understanding of her teachings that she would never yield! That was his master, she who was resolute and merciless, dauntlessly challenging the Dao and all comers! However, her next words baffled him!

"Lineir...finally I see....once I too walked the Dao of Survival like you. Then I turned to the Path of Slaughter when that no longer became enough. But I was wrong. Neither are the correct way. Disciple! Hear me!" Mei's mental transmission boomed in Lineir's mind and his eyes widened as he heard every word growing like thunder in a rising storm.
"Master, what are you saying?" He blurted out, but Mei was continuing on as if she didn't hear him. There was no time for questions when the master was discussing the Dao,

" Lineir, in a moment I will slaughter a way out of this place. I have made a breakthrough in my Dao and this can be considered my most powerful form. You listen closely you hear me? You must carry my final words and carve them into the Heavens. Today you and I will part but that is only natural. Go forth! Be strong! Never hesitate! Never bow to the Heavens! I want you to leave behind the words of Mei Fung of Darkness and Lightning! And one day you may have the strength to even change this ending." She transmitted with a final air of solemnness and shining eyes. Lineir did not understand this was all too sudden,


"You'll understand one day what I mean. Hopefully one day soon. All I can say is, to reach the top, you cannot do it with your current Dao! Carve this into your heart! The Dao that will grant you the power you wish is not that of Survival, Slaughter, or any of these other banal Daos. Only at this time when I am at the end do I realize that long ago I had already known that my Dao of Slaughter was nothing but empty loneliness. Do not follow your Master's path Lineir. That is your Master's final will! Obey me! PROMISE ME!"

Lineir felt tears coming in his eyes and a desperate feeling though he nodded unwillingly.

"This disciple does not understand....but he will follow his Master's wishes! This one will never walk the Path of Slaughter!" He declared with all his might. With that Mei grew satisfied. Only an instant had passed. This instant felt like forever, and yet she wished that it could have lasted longer, for it passed in a flash like the sudden realization that the seasons had changed and the warm summer had turned into faded fall.

"Ah gentlemen. It has been a pleasure. But I cannot leave with you. There is one condition which must be met first." She said with a strangely playful voice. The Mortal King felt like she must have some other wish and eagerly asked,

"What? What condition?"

"Well...the condition is a bit hard to demand. In truth it is easy to satisfy however. Die here today. Go to the Yellow Springs and never return!" Mei's playful expression extended into a wicked smile! However, it was not one of bloodlust...rather it was contentment. She was already at peace. Her physical heart was perfectly aligned with her Second Heart which linked seamlessly with her Third Heart. Her Dao had reached its apex and she let forth a devastating attack with a sudden ferocity like a summer storm! Yet in the midst of the ferocious power was a gentleness which guided the destruction. A slim palm controlled the path of the Black Blade as a hurricane exploded in the confined cavern of the Hells!

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